Photo of the Day 6th September 2023.
EI-FMK, ATR72-600, Stobart Air, operating for Aer Lingus, starting it's take off roll on Runway 23 Left at Manchester Airport, 13th March 2017.
#Manchester #MAN #EGCC #Runway23L #ATR72 #StobartAir #AerLingus
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#manchester #man #egcc #runway23l #atr72 #stobartair #AerLingus #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 11th August 2023
EI-CFB, Saab SF340B, Aer Lingus, taxiing to it's gate at Manchester Airport, some time in the early 1990s.
#manchester #man #egcc #saab #sf340 #AerLingus
Photo of the Day 10th August 2023
EI-LRE, Airbus A321-253NX, Aer Lingus, taxiing to the active runway at Manchester Airport, 17th January 2023.
3 photos behind the link.
#Manchester #MAN #EGCC #Airbus #A321 #Neo #AerLingus
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#manchester #man #egcc #airbus #a321 #neo #AerLingus #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 1st July 2023.
EI-FCY, ATR72-600, Aer Lingus Regional, seconds after taking off from Runway 23L at Manchester Airport, 15th March 2017.
#manchester #MAN #EGCC #Runway23L #southside #ATR72 #AerLingus
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#manchester #man #egcc #runway23l #southside #atr72 #AerLingus #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
In #UK #Großbritannien haben #Hacker die Gehaltsdaten von über 100.000 Personen geklaut. Betroffen sind #Britishairways, die #BBC, die Drogeriekette Boots sowie die US-Universität Rochester, die irische Airline #AerLingus und die Regierung der kanadische Provinz Nova Scotia.
#ITSec #itsecurity #itsicherheit #moveit #USA #Russland #Clop #datenschutz #datenschutzbehorde
#datenschutzbehorde #datenschutz #Clop #russland #usa #moveit #itsicherheit #itsecurity #itsec #AerLingus #bbc #britishairways #hacker #großbritannien #uk
Bonus Photo of the Day 3rd March 2023: EI-CCDA, Boeing 737-548, Aer Lingus, at Dusseldorf Airport, either 1993 or 1996.
#Dusseldorf #DUS #EDDL #Boeing #B737 #AerLingus #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#dusseldorf #dus #eddl #boeing #b737 #AerLingus #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Here is a question I haven’t heard in a while: “Chicken or Beef?” … #digitalnomad #aerlingus
I love that #AerLingus still uses Irish names on its planes. #StCaimin is a name I'd usually associate with #Shannon rather than #Dublin though!
#AerLingus #stcaimin #shannon #dublin
I did a read up - the surprisingly torquey wind up plan that got me to Dublin last week in strong winds has a pole that extends underneath at the rear while on the ground. I now know why. I am not sure I feel better for it. Apparently it is to ensure the nose stays on the ground while people are boarding at the rear. Really. Wish I hadn’t now :’D #aerlingus
The Horseshoe Bar on the upper deck of the original Aer Lingus 747. #aerlingus
The Horseshoe Bar on the upper deck of the original Aer Lingus 747. #aerlingus
4) Having been on the receiving end of an #AerLingus technical issue, I’ll be interested to see the final disposition
#Airplane #Aircraft #Investigation #FAA
#AerLingus #airplane #aircraft #investigation #faa
@colm_ryan Could have been far worse. Delighted to be alive and kicking. When sparks start flying out of an airplane’s engines, thoughts of mortality become more real 😜. With thanks to last night’s #AerLingus pilot
@rainercade @colm_ryan Thanks David. The baggage thing was frustrating and disappointing.That said glad to be on the ground in one piece and talking about the experience rather than feeding fish in the Atlantic. Good work by the #AerLingus pilot last night
@eunandoherty Yeah the optics weren’t good last night for #AerLingus with the exception of the pilot getting us safely back to the ground. Outsourcing ground operations to #JetBlue limits Aer Lingus’ options to be helpful on the ground. A disappointing experience
@mnutty considering it’s the ‘jaws of Christmas’ and people are desperate to get home (including their own staff) it would have been something if they could have sent a plane out to get you all. Wonder if that would have happened in past times under different semi state ownership, no matter how cash strapped #AerLingus were.
3) 3:40 bags finally coming out. That took about 2 hours. #AerLingus has rebooked us for a Sunday departure via Manchester. There goes XMas ☹️
@donncha waiting on email from #AerLingus. Initial indication was plane ti brought over from #Ireland
2) The scene at 3:07 AM. Ground staff advise they are assembling a team to off load the baggage. I’m not sure when that translates into luggage delivery. I feel awful for the parents with small children. Baggage area is pretty darn uncomfortable with no seating and exterior cold penetrating the building
#traveling #travelmess #AerLingus #jetblue
@colm_ryan The good news is we’re safe back on the ground. Credit to the #AerLingus pilot. Not a good scene when you have a welcoming committee of fire trucks