menschen in #Iran u #Afganistan warten immer noch auf die angekündigte feministische außenpolitik.dazu gehört,endlich das atomabkommen aufzugeben,an das sich nie jemand halten wollte.WIEDER mal zeigt sich:mit wer mit faschisten verhandelt, legitimiert sie u wirft frauen* vorn bus
I migranti annegati a #cutro fuggivano dalle guerre #Nato di #Siria, #Iraq e #Afganistan e dai campi di concentramento di #erdogan pagati dalla #UE .
I responsabili della strage sono a Washington e Bruxelles
#pace #guerra #migranti #libri #PeaceLink
#PeaceLink #libri #migranti #guerra #PACE #UE #erdogan #Afganistan #Iraq #Siria #NATO #cutro
RT @MarkJLindquist
Please @potus @JoeBiden send F16s to #Ukraine and END THIS WAR. 💙💛🙏🏽🇺🇦 #USAirForce #Afganistan #Veteran
#Ukraine #USAirForce #Afganistan #veteran
Während die BuReg nichts für eine schnelle Aufnahme von Geflüchteten aus #Afganistan unternimmt - sterben 18 afghan. Geflüchtete, für die es keinen legalen Weg gab. Es ist eine politische Entscheidung nicht zu Handeln & den Tod weiterer in Kauf zu nehmen.
Haastattelussa toimittaja, tietokirjailija Katri Merikallio. Hän kuvailee, miten vapautunut tunnelma #Afganistan'issa oli 2002 kun Taleban saatiin väistymään, ja miten naisten asema parani vuosien ajan, kunnes vuonna 2021 Taleban pääsi taas valtaan.
2/2…happening in #Ukraine.
Also he did put #Afganistan withdrawal on the agenda. This doesn't excuse his persecution of #JulianAssange and numerous other bad judgements.
We replied to a different, respectful person, @kevingan:
A lot of #Greens supporters would've still preferenced Trump, because he was the #antiwar candidate.
Even if #RussiaGate was true and admissions have proven it false on many fronts, do we think Trump would've *really* cared about a release of some old #sexTape?
#ukraine #Afganistan #julianassange #greens #antiwar #russiagate #sextape
*We preface with we* don't do twoPartyPolitics *and for a country that espouses democratic values* the US *needs* #preferentialVoting.
With that said, Trump did try to not to instigate war against Russia, and before the *second, garbage, sensationalised, #impeachment fiasco* he even showed interest in investigating what was happening in Ukraine.
Also *Trump* did put #Afganistan *withdrawal* on the agenda. (remainder uncorrected)
#preferentialVoting #impeachment #Afganistan
Don't do #twoPartyPolitics, in that the US need preferentialVoting.
With that said, Trump did try to not to instigate war against #Russia, and before the second garbage sensationalised impeachment fiasco he even showed interest in investigating what was happening in #Ukraine. Also put #Afganistan pullout on the agenda.
This doesn't excuse his persecution of #JulianAssange and numerous other bad judgements.
#twopartypolitics #russia #ukraine #Afganistan #julianassange
Ecco la leggenda di come nasce il #ciclotalebano: prendi dei guerriero orgoglioso abituato a vivere libero tra le impervie montagne dell'#Afganistan e mettilo a lavorare in ufficio dalle 8 alle 17, costringilo ad andare al lavoro in #auto in mezzo al #traffico.
Aspettiamo che i talebani scoprano la #bici, poi ne vedremo delle belle!
#ciclotalebano #Afganistan #auto #traffico #bici #sischerza
🇬🇧 In Afghanistan first women were banned from studying, then from practicing professions and now male Afghan doctors are banned from providing them with health care. This type of men who put their future at risk while men deserve the non-existent future they created for themselves.
What annoys me the most is that many who defend "the Palestinians" defend this same future for Palestinian women, because Hamas has the same ideology as the Afghan Taliban that women are sub-human beings!!!
🇵🇹 No Afeganistão primeiro as mulheres foram proibidas de estudar, depois de exercerem profissões e agora os homens médicos afegãos estão proibidos de lhes prestarem cuidados de saúde. Este tipo de homens que põe em risco o seu futuro enquanto homens merecem o inexistente futuro que criaram para si próprios.
O que mais me chateia, é que muitos que defendem "os palestinianos" defendem este mesmo futuro para as mulheres palestinianas, pois o Hamas tem a mesma ideologia dos Talibãs afegãos de que as mulheres são seres sub-humanos!!!
🇫🇷 En Afghanistan, d'abord les femmes ont été interdites d'étudier, puis d'exercer des professions libérales et maintenant les hommes médecins afghans n'ont pas le droit de leur fournir des soins de santé. Ce type d'hommes qui mettent leur avenir en danger alors que les hommes méritent l'avenir inexistant qu'ils se sont créé.
Ce qui m'agace le plus, c'est que beaucoup de ceux qui défendent "les Palestiniens" défendent ce même avenir pour les femmes palestiniennes, car le Hamas a la même idéologie que les talibans afghans selon laquelle les femmes sont des êtres inférieurs!!!
🇪🇦 En Afganistán, primero a las mujeres se les prohibió estudiar, luego ejercer profesiones y ahora los médicos afganos tienen prohibido brindarles atención médica. Este tipo de hombres que ponen en riesgo su futuro mientras que los hombres merecen el futuro inexistente que ellos mismos crearon.
Lo que más me molesta es que muchos de los que defienden a "los palestinos" defienden este mismo futuro para las mujeres palestinas, porque Hamás tiene la misma ideología que los talibanes afganos de que las mujeres son seres infrahumanos!!!
#afganistán #afghanistan #afeganistao #mujeresafeganis #AfghanWomen #mulheresafegans #droithumain #derechoshumanos #direitoshumanos #HumanRights
#Afganistan #afghanistan #afeganistao #mujeresafeganis #AfghanWomen #mulheresafegans #droithumain #derechoshumanos #direitoshumanos #HumanRights
La storia non è mai cambiata.
Le dinamiche di #guerra e #pace sono determinate dagli interessi e dalla moneta di scambio.
"La guerra di Charlie Wilson"
#Afganistan #Ucraina #Tigray
#Tigray #ucraina #Afganistan #PACE #guerra
Male students, professors walk out of Afghan universities to protest ban on female students @ABC #taliban #Afganistan #women
Ser mujer en #Afganistán: prohibido ir al instituto, a la universidad, al parque o a la piscina. Los #talibanes excluyen a la mitad de la población en nombre de dios. Vídeo para
#afganistan #istruzionenegata
«Da oggi non ho più bisogno di questi diplomi perché questo paese non è un posto per un’istruzione. Se mia sorella e mia madre non possono studiare, allora non accetto questa educazione»
Wir bauen aus jedem Haus eine Schule und wir lassen #Frauen in #Afganistan nicht ohne Bildung bleiben.
#LetAfganGirlsLearn #Afganistan #frauen
Non è un buon Natale per la popolazione #Ukraina e per i giovani in #Iran e in #Afganistan e le donne in #Libia. E non è un buon Natale per il Calcio italiano, e per le famiglie italiane in povertà. Comunque, tanti Auguri a TUTTI 🎁 E sempre grazie per l’affetto e la stima🙏
#Libia #Afganistan #iran #Ukraina
Middle Eastern countries are all enforcing laws to --
1. Make women sex slaves
2. No education
3. No rights or civil liberties
4. No voting rights
The liberals in America provides a lot of lip service and sometimes inadvertently promote abuses with the excuse of cultural appropriation.
#Taliban #womensRights #Afganistan #afganwomen #IranianWomen
Taliban bar women from working at NGOs
#iranianwomen #afganwomen #Afganistan #womensrights #taliban
Hat irgendwer ernsthaft geglaubt die #Taliban von 2022 wären anders als jene die #Afganistan schon 2000 in der Hand hatten?
Es sind die selben jetzt mit moderner US-Technik.
Die #USA können sicher sein das von dort erst einmal keine Gefahr mehr für sie ausgeht.
RT @almuariza
Chicas llorando porque los talibanes prohíben a las mujeres estudiar en la Universidad.
Rompen sus vidas, dinamitan sus derechos, entierran su futuro.
Nunca he escrito un taco en esta red. Hasta hoy.