Afghanistan is the fastest-growing maker of methamphetamine, UN drug agency says
> The United Nations’ Office on Drugs and Crimes, which published the report, said meth in Afghanistan is mostly made from legally available substances or extracted from the ephedra plant, which grows in the wild. #Afghanistan #methamphetamine
#TIL: #COVID19 has killed more #Americans than the #CivilWar, #WWI, #WWII, #KoreanWar, #Vietnam, #Iraq, and #Afghanistan COMBINED.
#til #COVID19 #americans #civilwar #wwi #wwii #koreanwar #Vietnam #iraq #Afghanistan #CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask
Schusswechsel an Grenze #Afghanistan – #Pakistan
ℹ The collapse of the #Afghan government to the #Taliban and subsequent U.S. military withdrawal from #Afghanistan in August 2021 marked the failure of two decades of fighting to root out #terrorism and stabilize the country
In the aftermath of that disaster, the #UnitedStates was quick to blame corrupt #Afghan politicians for the Taliban’s return to power
This narrative, however, misleadingly shifts the attention away from the root causes of the collapse and the ➡
#unitedstates #terrorism #Afghanistan #taliban #afghan
UN cuts food assistance for 2 million Afghans due to lack of funding
> This brings the total number of people cut off from WFP support this year to 10 million. #Afghanistan #UN #WFP #poverty #hunger
#hunger #poverty #wfp #un #Afghanistan
Welternährungsprogramm: Dramatische Lage in #Afghanistan
Musikverbot: Sechs Festnahmen in #Afghanistan
Amnesty warnt vor Massenüberwachung in #Afghanistan
The Taliban say they have signed mining contracts worth $6.5 billion in Afghanistan
> The seven contracts are with locally based companies, many of whom have foreign part-ners in countries including #China, #Iran, and #Turkey. They include the extraction and processing of iron ore, lead, zinc and gold in four provinces: Herat, Ghor, Logar and Takhar. #Turkiye #Afghanistan #Taliban
#taliban #Afghanistan #Turkiye #turkey #Iran #China
Which part of working towards a more perfect union are you opposed to?
Would you rather we had a government like in #Afghanistan where all of your policies were how everyone had to live under as long as you're in the ruling class?
RT VluchtelingenWerk Nederland
2 jaar na de val van Kabul verkeren oud-medewerkers van de Uruzganmissie in #Afghanistan in levensgevaar. Wij blijven ons voor hen inzetten. Hun evacuatie naar NL is een #erezaak. Daarom erg blij met de Kamervragen van @Kati Piri e.a.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Kati Piri: De Kamer is erop gebrand dat het kabinet de ereschuld naar onze lokale Afghaanse medewerkers inlost.
Twee jaar na de val van Kabul is nog steeds niet iedereen in veiligheid.
Vandaar samen met GL, SP, CDA, D66, CU, Denk, BBB, Bij1, Volt en PvdD kamervragen opgesteld:
Over 200 ex-Afghan officials killed since Taliban takeover: UN - World - DAWN.COM
>More than 200 members of Afghanistan’s former military, law enforcement and government have been killed since the #Taliban took over, the UN mission in #Afghanistan said on Tuesday, despite a “general amnesty” for old enemies.
Epilogo #Afghanistan. Gli errori e gli orrori di Stati Uniti e #NATO. Peggio di così non poteva finire la ventennale missione di guerra in Afghanistan. La rioccupazione del paese da parte delle milizie talebane; il disordinato esodo da Kabul dei marines
La #Svezia voleva bombardare l'#Afghanistan per "commercializzare" i suoi aerei da combattimento JAS #Gripen: divulgazione di #Wikileaks
#svezia #Afghanistan #gripen #Wikileaks
Cade il mito della #Svezia. L'opacità su #Assange è stata preceduta dal coinvolgimento militare in #Afghanistan assieme alla #NATO -
Chissà che cosa avrebbe detto Olof Palme se avesse letto che nel 2008, le forze armate svedesi volevano che la Svezia inviasse aerei Saab JAS 39 #Gripen in Afghanistan, come parte di una campagna di marketing per i suoi caccia da combattimento.
#svezia #assange #Afghanistan #NATO #gripen
2 years of Taliban rule in #Afghanistan and what it means for women and girls…
#GenderApartheid #August15
#Afghanistan #GenderApartheid #August15
Matiullah Wesa is in custody for 142 days now. Time for an UPDATE:
He was arrested for bringing basic rights to the most deprived: Education to boys and girls in remote areas of #Afghanistan
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Hannah Neumann 💙: A national hero of #Afghanistan and a friend of mine has been arrested by #Taliban today: Matiullah Wesa.
He brought education to those who long for it, no matter where, no matter who governs there.
We will fight for your release, Matiullah!
#Afghanistan #Taliban #FreeWesa
Afghan women stuck under Taliban rule are being barred from reuniting with their British husbands because they can't meet the English language standards needed to come to the UK.
Meanwhile, all English language test centres in Afghanistan have closed, meaning Afghan women would only be able to do the test if they are in a neighbouring country, like Pakistan.
As ever, the cruelty is the point.
#Afghanistan #Families #HomeOffice #UKPolitics
#ukpolitics #HomeOffice #families #Afghanistan
The lives of women have been changed forever in Afghanistan - and not for the good!
The lives of Kobra, Najia, Madina, Sonya and Zahra looked as though they were just getting started two years ago. When the Taliban captured the Afghan capital of Kabul, they were about to finish school, working towards a university degree or beginning a career. Suddenly, though, their lives changed dramatically.
#AureFreePress #News #Afghanistan
#Afghanistan #News #aurefreepress
#Afghanistan: #WHO warnt vor Krise des Gesundheitssektors