#Afghan interpreter's anger over son's visa denial
"He doesn't know who we are - he thinks my dad is his father and my mum is his mother."
Such callous and heartless cruelty and a total betrayal of our assurances and moral responsibility to #Afghans who risked, and continue to risk so much when they helped #LittleBritain. #UK #HomeOffice & #Braverman an utter disgrace.
#Scotland welcomes #refugees #RefugeesWelcomeHere
#RefugeesWelcomeHere #refugees #scotland #notinmyname #Braverman #homeoffice #uk #littlebritain #Afghans #afghan
UK won’t resettle Afghan women’s rights lawyer being hunted by #Taliban
Thousands of #Afghans are still stranded two years after the #UK #HomeOffice vowed to resettle them.
Honour the #safeRoute pledge to #Afghan #refugees
#Sunak #GovernmentOfIntegrity ?
no! …a shameful disgrace #Sunak sack #Braverman #BravermanMustGoNOW
#bravermanmustgonow #Braverman #governmentofintegrity #Sunak #refugees #afghan #saferoute #refugeeswelcome #homeoffice #uk #Afghans #taliban
'We know people seeking #asylum die in the #Channel, but callous hardline policy kills them too -
Six people died that way in the early hours of Saturday morning.
All those who lost their lives and most of those rescued were from #Afghanistan. This sharply brings into focus the failure to provide sufficient safe routes for #Afghans fleeing the clutches of the #Taliban and seeking sanctuary in our country.'
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/aug/14/people-seeking-asylum-channel-deaths #ToryPoliciesInAction #ToryInhumanity
#Immigration #Refugees
#refugees #immigration #toryinhumanity #torypoliciesinaction #taliban #Afghans #afghanistan #channel #asylum
V Afganistanu je danes pristalo že 29. letalo v sklopu zračnega mosta, ki deluje od leta 2021.
EU je z njim dostavila več kot 100 ton humanitarne pomoči in druge nujne opreme. 🙏👇
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Janez Lenarčič: Today, the 29th 🇪🇺 humanitarian air bridge flight operating since 2021 landed in Kabul.
This way we have delivered nearly 100 tonnes of lifesaving cargo provided by our humanitarian partners, ensuring #Afghans in need receive medical items and other crucial humanitarian aid. https://t.co/R8QwSTwle2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1679069000842588160
Today, the 29th 🇪🇺 humanitarian air bridge flight operating since 2021 landed in Kabul.
This way we have delivered nearly 100 tonnes of lifesaving cargo provided by our humanitarian partners, ensuring #Afghans in need receive medical items and other crucial humanitarian aid. https://t.co/R8QwSTwle2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JanezLenarcic/status/1679044589364051970
Ma question écrite sur les #Afghans accueillis en Albanie ou au #Kosovo et censés partir pour les États-Unis.🛫
L'#UE doit être informée des refus émis par les autorités américaines en raison de liens présumés avec les talibans ou des groupes terroristes !✍️… https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1677554515900350466
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DominiqueBilde/status/1677554515900350466
RT Raffaella Iodice
Together with our partners @AKF_Global, @DRC_ngo and @RAADA_Org, the EU 🇪🇺 helps #Afghans to better respond to #food shortages and become more resilient to #climatechange effects.
Further info👉 https://europa.eu/!GBHTW7 https://t.co/HU2y7WAmzH
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUDepAmbAFG/status/1671864684037779459
#EU accused of ‘staggering neglect’ after just 271 #Afghans resettled across bloc https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/31/eu-accused-of-staggering-neglect-after-just-271-afghans-resettled-across-bloc
Only ‘handful’ of #Afghans refugees brought to UK under flagship scheme https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/home-office-afghans-channel-crossing-migrant-b2345707.html
@Miriamm the #Earth rotated and got a bit warmer #ClimateEmergency, but not much else save an orange child making history in #America, but I ignore that 😹 Oh and the #British #Government seem determined not to do the right/honourable thing for the #Afghans that helped during the (illegal) war 😢
#earth #ClimateEmergency #America #british #government #Afghans
A Humanitarian Air Bridge flight carrying 100 tonnes of much needed medical relief items, among other goods, landed in Kabul this morning.
This is the 2nd ✈️ operation this month and the 28th since 2021, ensuring the continued EU support to #Afghans in need.
📸UNFPA 2023
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JanezLenarcic/status/1641094310740344834
🇬🇧|Foreign Minister @ABaerbock brings 1,000 #Afghans to 🇩🇪 every month. Half of them are said to be #Islamists acc. to Ambassador @GermanyinPAK. With her #migration madness #Baerbock endangers all of #Europe! The other states are already waking up! #ID #EU https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/ausland/2023/baerbock-islamisten/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1634203202802577408
#Afghans #Islamists #migration #Baerbock #Europe #ID #EU
@lassielmr the fact that #Afghans fleeing the #Taliban are having to resort to people traffickers and small boat crossings to reach #UK 🇬🇧, when there is supposed to be ‘a safe route’ system set up by HomeOffice in aftermath of our shamefully mis-managed retreat from #Afghanistan 🇦🇫 is a another scandalous stain on the #Tories.
The promises made to Afghans who helped 🇬🇧 & 🇺🇸 were allowed to wither away unseen behind the glare of #Ukraine #refugee #emergency
#RefugeesWelcomeHere 🏴
#RefugeesWelcomeHere #emergency #refugee #ukraine #tories #afghanistan #uk #taliban #Afghans
The process remains far slower than what we would like, but there is movement & hope to have everyone here soon. The biggest news? Signs of #secondarymigration to #STL. Just like w/ the Bosnian population surge in the 90s, we are starting to have #Afghans inquire about & move to the #StLouis region from other parts of the U.S. because of our #welcoming efforts. To borrow a movie quote from my Iowa roots, "if you build it, [they] will come." https://news.stlpublicradio.org/culture-history/2022-12-12/nearly-300-afghan-refugees-from-albania-will-arrive-in-st-louis-in-a-few-months
#welcoming #stlouis #Afghans #stl #secondarymigration
Via the EU Humanitarian Air Bridge, the EU delivered medicines and nutrition to #Afghanistan this morning.
28 million #Afghans need assistance in the next year.
This makes humanitarian cargo provided by @EU_ECHO and trusted humanitarian partners more important than ever.📦✈️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinAfghanistan/status/1600417229786345473
"A meeting of Ministry of Justice officials at which Dominic Raab’s conduct was discussed was told “people had died” in the Afghanistan evacuation because of his refusal to review documents in formats which he did not like..
Raab, who was formerly foreign secretary but was recently reappointed as justice secretary and deputy prime minister, is the subject of an investigation into bullying allegations.."
#kabul #bullying #Afghans #Afghanistan #ukpolitics
#Afghans who worked on Canadian-funded projects feel abandoned waiting for refuge in Pakistan# https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-afghans-canadian-funded-abandoned-refuge-pakistan/
#Afghans are giving their hungry children medicines to sedate them - others have sold their daughters and organs to survive. https://www-bbc-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-63733683.amp #afghanistan