Equatorial Guinea - the forgotten dictatorship : Forced labour and political murder in Central Africa by Suzanne Cronjé
#EquatorialGuinea, #GuineaEcuatorial, #Guinea, #dictatorship, #neocolonialism, #Africanpolitics, #politicsofAfrica, #CentralAfrica, #Nguemism, #Nguemismo, #FranciscoMacíasNguema, #MasieNguemaBiyogoÑegueNdong, #politicalrepression, #refugees, #diaspora, #exiles, #imperialism, #antiblackness
Research Report No 2
Anti-Slavery Society
#equatorialguinea #guineaecuatorial #guinea #dictatorship #neocolonialism #AfricanPolitics #politicsofAfrica #centralafrica #nguemism #nguemismo #franciscomaciasnguema #masienguemabiyogoneguendong #politicalrepression #refugees #diaspora #exiles #imperialism #antiblackness
Cabral on Nkrumah by Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde; Amílcar Cabral
#eulogies, #eulogy, #KwameNkrumah, #PanAfricanism, #WestAfricanpolitics, #politicsofWestAfrica, #Africanpolitics, #politicsofAfrica, #anticolonialism, #antiimperialism
"Speech delivered by the Secretary General of PAIGC, Amilcar Cabral, at the Symposium organized by the Democratic Party of Guinea (PDG) in memory of President Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.
(People's Palace of Conakry, May 13th 1972)"
#eulogies #eulogy #KwameNkrumah #panafricanism #westafricanpolitics #politicsofwestafrica #AfricanPolitics #politicsofAfrica #anticolonialism #antiimperialism
Amazing article from Nigerian-British man on the issues of African leaders. Please give it a read it’s truth. We know you all hate the truth especially about #Africa 😆 #African #LeaderShip #Political #Politics #NEWS #AfricanPolitics #PoliticalNews #SudanCrisis
#Africa #African #leadership #political #politics #news #AfricanPolitics #politicalnews #sudancrisis
Africa Bets On Brazil's New President Lula Da Silva
#politics #brazil #africa #AfricanPolitics #BrazilianPolitics via @allafrica
#politics #brazil #Africa #AfricanPolitics #brazilianpolitics
Secure the Base: Making Africa Visible in the Globe by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
#internationalpolitics, #Africa, #PanAfricanism, #antiblackness, #Africanpolitics, #politicsofAfrica, #colonialism, #neocolonialism, #capitalism, #socialscience, #socialsciences, #blackchattelslavery, #politicalphilosophy, #literature, #Africanliterature, #literatureofAfrica
For more than sixty years, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o has been writing fearlessly the questions, challenges, histories, and futures of Africans, particularly those of his homeland, Kenya. In his work, which has included plays, novels, and essays, Ngũgĩ narrates the injustice of colonial violence and the dictatorial betrayal of decolonization, the fight for freedom and subsequent incarceration, and the aspiration toward economic equality in the face of gross inequality. With both hope and disappointment, he questions the role of language in both the organization of power structures and the pursuit of autonomy and self-expression.
#internationalpolitics #africa #panafricanism #antiblackness #AfricanPolitics #politicsofAfrica #colonialism #neocolonialism #capitalism #socialscience #socialsciences #blackchattelslavery #politicalphilosophy #literature #AfricanLiterature #literatureofAfrica
Speeches of Mangaliso Sobukwe 1949 - 1959 by Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe; Potlako K. Leballo; Pan Africanist Congress
#PAC, #PanAfricanistCongressofAzania, #PanAfricanistCongress, #RobertMangalisoSobukwe, #MangalisoSobukwe, #antiapartheidmovement, #antiapartheid, #southafrica, #Azania, #PanAfricanism, #politicaltheory, #Africanpolitics, #politicsofAfrica
No date of publication given. The introduction references (with dates) events that occurred in 1972 and 1973.
#pac #PanAfricanistCongressofAzania #PanAfricanistCongress #RobertMangalisoSobukwe #MangalisoSobukwe #antiapartheidmovement #antiapartheid #southafrica #azania #panafricanism #politicaltheory #AfricanPolitics #politicsofAfrica
Reposting intro to add some hashtags. I’m an historian of Africa, teaching at Union College in upstate NY; specializing in the francophone Sahel (especially Burkina Faso & Mali), French empire, Islam, Cold War in Africa, left politics, environmental history, and revolutions. Hope to connect with historians, journalists, activists, fellow Africanists and all the folks in the sciences and humanities. #histodons #Africa #AfricanPolitics #envhist #Islam #BurkinaFaso #Mali #AfricanHistory #French
#histodons #africa #AfricanPolitics #envhist #islam #burkinafaso #mali #africanhistory #french
Hello to my 0 followers at Mastodon. I’m an historian of colonial and post-colonial Africa, specializing in the francophone Sahel, and professor at Union College in upstate NY. Hope to connect with historians, and all the folks in the sciences and humanities. #histodons #Africa #AfricanPolitics #envhist
#histodons #africa #AfricanPolitics #envhist
Several opportunities of interest to those who study #AfricanPolitics, Mideast politics or #EconDevelopment.
The Governance and Local Development Institute ( at Gothenburg Univ. has post-doc positions, post-doc policy-oriented fellowships, and a research associate position that seems like it would make a great "pre-doc." All have deadlines in the next few days.
Calls are listed here:
#AfricanPolitics #EconDevelopment
#Introduction: here mainly to feel bad about my productivity levels & keep in touch with #academictwitter, especially #polisci, #econtwitter, and #intldev folks. I occasionally post about #AfricanPolitics, #surveymethods, and papers I've read.
#Introduction #academictwitter #polisci #econtwitter #intldev #AfricanPolitics #surveymethods