PKPs Powerfromspace1 · @Powerfromspace1
17 followers · 628 posts · Server
Bernd · @hopfgeist
40 followers · 581 posts · Server

Despite its horrible purpose, the Tu-22M3 undeniably has the most awesome glow of any ever, anywhere:

#militaryaviation #aviation #tu22m3 #tu22m #tu22 #aircraft #Afterburner

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1319 followers · 90688 posts · Server

@geerlingguy @Raspberry_Pi @timebeatapp @adafruit

: A system that directly uses the links and/or allows using the / as "coporcessors" or rather "co-nodes" that get interfaced like the card but can run on their own...

Think meets & ...

#piblade #PiKVM #vt69 #Afterburner #Apple #cm3 #cm4 #pcie #clustering #RaspberryPi #whatsmissing

Last updated 1 year ago

Hunting for Vaprak! · @katakislives
163 followers · 11932 posts · Server

Hot take: is appealing to everyone, including 40+ year olds.

How come? Well, you see, one of the most popular kinds of VOCALOID material that exists to this day is the games. And the developers of those games could've chosen to include cover songs based on more recent IPs like , , , , , , , etc.

But, instead, they've opted to do something else entirely and made cover songs from 4 very old classics. Have you heard of ? Perhaps. ? Maybe, but what about ? Or what about ? Those are probably very old games for you but they're also great games your parents might have played in the past!

With all the production values they got, that's got to be a very conscious decision made by the developers' part, don't you think?

#quartet #PowerDrift #Afterburner #outrun #jetsetradio #SpaceChannel5 #puyopuyo #yakuza #SuperMonkeyBall #shinobi #sonicthehedgehog #sega #ProjectDiva #vocaloid

Last updated 3 years ago