#Worldmarkets set for #aftershocks as #SVB collapse ripples out https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/world-markets-set-aftershocks-svb-182213328.html? #BankCrash #Bankruns #Banking #SVBCrash #SVBank #SVBBankrun #svb_financial #FinancialCrisis #bankruptcy #stockmarkets #stockmarketcrash #SiliconValleyBank #SiliconValley
#SiliconValley #siliconvalleybank #stockmarketcrash #stockmarkets #bankruptcy #financialcrisis #svb_financial #svbbankrun #svbank #svbcrash #banking #bankruns #bankcrash #SVB #Aftershocks #worldmarkets
Map of current #Turkey #earthquake sequence from AFAD catalog, includes M>4.5 focal mechanisms. 3 largest quakes are mostly strike slip, but many #aftershocks also show normal #faulting.
(dark purple: events between M7.8 & M7.6; light purple: after M7.6; light blue: after M6.3)
#turkey #earthquake #Aftershocks #faulting
These plots help illuminate temporal patterns in the #earthquake sequence in #Turkey. It appears that the fault system responsible for the 2nd large quake is more active in generating aftershocks. Tens of M5+ #aftershocks so far, with more sure to follow.
The usual caveats apply about catalog (KOERI-RETMC) completeness.
#earthquake #turkey #Aftershocks
I'm following @lastquake and the amount of #aftershocks in #Turkey and #Syria is terrifying 😢
The #aftershocks are still continuing with varying intensity, mainly in Turkey, and reaching to us in #Aleppo. In addition, the "phantom earthquakes" never stop happening to me every moment! Dealing with this sickness is another story in the aftermath of the #earthquake.
#earthquake #aleppo #Aftershocks
Got link? If most of them are in #Turkey, it's not unusual to have so many #aftershocks following such a huge #quake. 🤔
Now that some more time has passed after the M7.6 earthquake in #Turkey, we can see that the #aftershocks after that event (in light purple) delineate a different #fault zone (trending EW) from those after the M7.8 #earthquake (trending NE-SW) that occurred earlier today.
#turkey #Aftershocks #fault #earthquake
The current pattern of aftershocks on both sides of the M8.0 Turkey main shock would suggest the #rupture propagated bilaterally, although earlier posts I have seen suggested a unilateral (to the NE) rupture.
There will be many large aftershocks after the M8.0 #Turkey #earthquake in the next days. The number of #aftershocks will decrease with time, but large events can continue to occur, for months or longer.
#rupture #turkey #earthquake #Aftershocks
#Seismicity #map of the region of today’s #Ferndale #earthquakes (with red outlines) and the events exactly one year ago (with purple outlines) in the same region. Based on the location of the #aftershocks, it looks like the mainshock was on a left lateral strike slip #fault, a bit shallower than last year’s #quakes.
#seismicity #map #ferndale #earthquakes #Aftershocks #fault #quakes