There must be better articles about the coup in than this one, although it is not too bad. There is no mention of the closing down of trans-Sahara trade that has destroyed , all part of the externalisation of the 's borders. Stopping people moving is driving conflict all across the region.

Maybe I am a bit too old fashioned of a western anti-imperialist, but
I get suspicious when I see the French or US governments praising an African head of state and worrying about 'anti insurgency' efforts as the French military is kicked out of a former colony. I also find the idea that the Russian state is necessarily more rapacious than western ones somewhat hard to swallow.

I also think that discussion of 's success in needs to be tempered with acknowledgement that western powers are forces of reaction. The Guardian itself has run a number of articles praising 's neo-liberalism, for example

#niger #Agadez #eu #obi #nigeria #tinabu

Last updated 1 year ago

Kerem Schamberger · @KeremSchamberger
1371 followers · 2337 posts · Server

RT @AlarmephoneS
Migration of young Africans via

Testimonies by Yahaya Abdou and other young African persons on migration routes via , .

Directed by: Hadi Oumarou (lanceur d‘alerte d‘APS) + Assoumana Agada
Edditing: Assoumana Agada

#Agadez #niger

Last updated 2 years ago

Kerem Schamberger · @KeremSchamberger
1371 followers · 2264 posts · Server

RT @AlarmephoneS
The Investigative agency @BorderForensic brings attention to EU-backed Nigerien policies resulting from Law 2015-036 through its research. The result are dangerous conditions for migrants, leading to their mass deaths and disappearances on the route through .

#Saharan #Agadez

Last updated 2 years ago

Kerem Schamberger · @KeremSchamberger
1362 followers · 1859 posts · Server

Viel Erfolg @AlarmephoneS bei der jährlichen Generalversammlung!
RT @AlarmephoneS
Début ce matin du 19 Février de l'AG (assemblée générale) annuelle, session 2023 de Alarme PHONE Sahara à . Cette rencontre est le lieu d'échanges entre les différent.e.a acteur/trices du groupe pour évaluer les travaux de l'année et planifier les actions à venir.


Last updated 2 years ago

Kerem Schamberger · @KeremSchamberger
1335 followers · 1582 posts · Server

RT @AlarmephoneS
** 2023**
Comme à l'accoutumée chaque 6 février Alarme PHONE Sahara en solidarité avec les personnes en mobilité, célèbre la journée de en mémoire de toutes les victimes (mort.e.s, dispararu.e.s ou disparu.e.s forcé.e.s) des politiques

#CommemorAction #Agadez

Last updated 2 years ago

Meyltje · @Meyltje
33 followers · 108 posts · Server

The city of in Niger in 2001.


Last updated 2 years ago

KAPU · @kapulinz
37 followers · 96 posts · Server

Etran de L’Aïr welcomes you to , the capital city of Saharan rock.

#Agadez #niger

Last updated 2 years ago

3ème jour au : je me suis rendue dans la région d' pour voir les actions menées dans le cadre du partenariat avec la France et surtout pour écouter les habitants sur leurs attentes et leurs aspirations.


#Niger #Agadez

Last updated 2 years ago