Ask yourself:
When a 75 year old man jerks off is he looking at naked pics of 75 year old women?
#AgeAppropriate #StopTheHysteria #nature #biology #TheHysteria #Respect
#AgeAppropriate #StopTheHysteria #nature #biology #TheHysteria #respect
RT @Heather_z860
Ask yourself:
When a 75 year old man jerks off is he looking at naked pics of 75 year old women?
#AgeAppropriate #StopTheHysteria
Men are only sexually aroused by age-appropriate partners.
Everybody knows that.
#AgeAppropriate #Puritan #PuritanRevival #AgeGap #Attraction #SexPhobia #SexNegative #SexualRevolution #Asexual #Sexuality #Prude #CounterRevolution #NeoPuritan #Victorian #Denial
#AgeAppropriate #puritan #PuritanRevival #agegap #attraction #SexPhobia #sexnegative #sexualrevolution #asexual #sexuality #prude #counterrevolution #NeoPuritan #victorian #denial
We let 17 year olds join the US Army,
but then have a collective meltdown
when that same 17 year old sends a naked selfie to her boyfriend.
#RespectYoungAdults #Puritan #AgeAppropriate #StopTheHysteria #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry
#RespectYoungAdults #puritan #AgeAppropriate #StopTheHysteria #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry
Crazed lunatic shouts about repugnant 19-year-olds.
#RespectYoungAdults #Puritan #AgeAppropriate #StopTheHysteria #ScienceDenial #nature #biology #BodilyAutonomy #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#RespectYoungAdults #puritan #AgeAppropriate #StopTheHysteria #sciencedenial #nature #biology #bodilyautonomy #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
Ask yourself:
When a 75 year old man jerks off is he looking at naked pics of 75 year old women?
#RespectYoungAdults #StopNeoPuritanism #AgeAppropriate #StopTheHysteria #ScienceDenial #nature #biology #BodilyAutonomy #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist
#RespectYoungAdults #StopNeoPuritanism #AgeAppropriate #StopTheHysteria #sciencedenial #nature #biology #bodilyautonomy #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist
Ask yourself:
When a 75 year old man jerks off is he looking at naked pics of 75 year old women?
#AgeAppropriate #StopTheHysteria
When do kids stop being kids?
Is a very childish 50 year old man wicked sexy to pedophiles?
What if he's 25 but acts like he's 10?
#Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #Sex #Arousal #Stimulation #age #AgePreference #AgeSensitive #AgeAppropriate #RespectYoungAdults #AgeGap #StopTheHate #Ephebophilia #CognitiveDissonance #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#sex #arousal #AgePreference #RespectYoungAdults #stimulation #AgeSensitive #AgeAppropriate #agegap #StopTheHysteria #age #cognitivedissonance #teens #teenagers #taboo #SexPhobia #puritan #PuritanRevival #youngadults #stopthehate #ephebophilia #teensex
"Normal people are attracted to people who are roughly age appropriate" is true for many, probably most women. We tend to like our own age +5
Men however are most often attracted to puberty plus +5
and that does not change. Men don't start looking at different porn as they grow older. Senior citizens and teens watch the same erotic vids.
#Porn #Sex #Arousal #Stimulation #age #xp #AgePreference #AgeSensitive #AgeAppropriate #AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #StopTheHysteria
#arousal #stimulation #age #xp #AgePreference #AgeSensitive #AgeAppropriate #agegap #puritan #PuritanRevival #StopTheHysteria #taboo #SexPhobia #porn #sex
Policing young adults to make sure that they're only having sex with "age appropriate" people is not practical and it's completely useless.
Folks between 18 and old age don't have toxic genitals. Nor do they have any magic brainwashing power.
#Policing #YoungAdults #sex #AgeAppropriate #people #practical #useless #toxic #genitals #magic #brainwashing #power
#useless #toxic #genitals #magic #brainwashing #power #policing #youngadults #sex #AgeAppropriate #people #practical #technews »#California #ChildDigital #Privacy Law Could Lead to #Invasive #AgeVerification: California's #AgeAppropriate Design Code Act could have unintended #consequences in its vague, sweeping attempt to accomplish that end.«
#technews #California #ChildDigital #Privacy #invasive #AgeVerification #AgeAppropriate #consequences