Looking for answers for a simulation based question on modelling rivers: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75927047/searching-for-python-libraries-to-simulate-river-flows-to-find-ideal-path-for #python #simulation #AgentBased #library #river
#python #simulation #AgentBased #library #river
Come work with us! We are looking for an Assistant Professor (tenure track) in #Computational Social Science with a focus on #communication 📢
📄 Applications due: 1 Mar 2023
▶️ Latest start date: 1 Aug 2024
💻 Possible approaches include: #agentbased or other #computerbased #modeling, #simulations, #NetworkAnalysis, #MachineLearning, #AI, #NLP, and more
Spread the word! 🙏
#commodon #CSS @commodon @communicationscholars @ICAHDQ @ICA_CAT @dgpuk_meth @digikomm
#computational #communication #AgentBased #computerbased #modeling #simulations #networkanalysis #machinelearning #ai #nlp #commodon #css
I just finished a good perspective on #ecology, #urban #science and #mosquito #dynamics by Kache et al.:
Aedes-borne #disease is a growing thread and might increase due to #globalwarming and the #climatecrisis
I particularly found the different #modelling approaches interesting, especially #AgentBased modeling
#AgentBased #modelling #climatecrisis #globalwarming #disease #dynamics #mosquito #science #urban #ecology
Of all the fields I'm aware of ecologists seem to be the ones most likely to "get" these ideas. They also seem to be quick to adopt #bayesian methods. I may need to start reading the ecology literature more. Anyone have good suggestions for publications using #agentbased models?