#Abhängig(keit) von #Social #Media und #BigData als #Infrastruktur; #Gedankenspiel: Was #wäre, wenn es #Facebook #plötzlich nicht mehr gäbe.
#Öhman, C. & #Aggarwal, N. (2020). #What if #Facebook goes #down? #Ethical and #legal #consideration(s) for the #demise of #big #tech. Internet #Policy #Review, 9(3). DOI: 10.14763/2020.3.1488
#abhängig #social #media #bigdata #infrastruktur #Gedankenspiel #wäre #facebook #plötzlich #corona #gedankenexperiment #Öhman #Aggarwal #what #down #ethical #legal #consideration #demise #big #tech #policy #review
What if #Facebook goes #down? Ethical and legal considerations for the demise of big tech
"Focusing on the EU, we argue that existing governance frameworks are inadequate for addressing these risks and make preliminary recommendations with a view to setting an agenda for future research and policymaking on the demise of Big Tech platforms and data-rich companies more broadly."
#Welt am #Sonntag, Das #systemrelevant(e) #Netzwerk, S.51
#facebook #down #Öhman #Aggarwal #welt #sonntag #systemrelevant #netzwerk