Two Leading Kashmir Universities Drop Agha Shahid Ali, Basharat Peer from English MA Courses
The University of Kashmir, the Valley’s premier higher-educational institution, has dropped three poems by Ali along and journalist Basharat Peer’s memoir from its English MA curriculum. The Cluster University Srinagar has left out two poems by Ali.
#kashmir #srinagar #AghaShahidAli #BasharatPeer #UniversityOfKashmir #ClusterUniversity #censorship #ManojSinha #governors #education #repression #literature #books #bookstodon #india
#kashmir #srinagar #AghaShahidAli #basharatpeer #universityofkashmir #clusteruniversity #censorship #manojsinha #governors #education #repression #Literature #books #bookstodon #india
I beg for haven: Prisons, let open your gates–
A refugee from Belief seeks a cell tonight.
#ghazal #poetry #AghaShahidAli
Those "Fabrics of Cashmere—" "to make Me beautiful—" "Trinket"— to gem– "Me to adorn– How– tell"— tonight?
#ghazal #poetry #AghaShahidAli