“The land work won’t work without the people work”
If we're to safely navigate the social, economic & environmental challenges ahead then we need to gather together, find commonality, evolve a shared vision & form cooperative movements to carry us across the threshold of change.
#regenerativeculture #food #community #resilience #spirituality #consciousevolution #localism #bioregionalism #kinship #ecology #rewilding #health #wellbeing #climateaction #wildlife #foodsovereignty #agriwilding
#RegenerativeCulture #food #community #resilience #spirituality #consciousevolution #localism #Bioregionalism #kinship #ecology #rewilding #health #wellbeing #ClimateAction #wildlife #FoodSovereignty #Agriwilding
We must pledge allegiance TO ALL LIFE...
Capitalist culture is killing the Earth - our only HOME.
We must have clear intention to step away from being a consumer of the planet & become an active citizen for REGENERATIVE CHANGE.
We must begin a new era of THINKING, BEING & DOING 🙏
#SpiritualEcology #ForestSchool #RegenerativeCulture #Resilience #Transition #RegenerativeFarming #Agriwilding #NewParadigm #Culture #Ecoliteracy #Foraging #Bushcraft #Survival #Ritual
#spiritualecology #forestschool #RegenerativeCulture #resilience #transition #regenerativefarming #Agriwilding #NewParadigm #culture #ecoliteracy #foraging #bushcraft #survival #ritual
"Our findings indicate that pasture-fed livestock approaches may be particularly beneficial for grassland and wider ecosystems."
#Agroecology #NaturesRecovery #Biodiversity #Agriwilding #HolisticPlannedGrazing #Wildlife #RegenerativeFarming #Food #FoodSovereignty #Health #Grasslands #Ecosystems
#agroecology #NaturesRecovery #biodiversity #Agriwilding #HolisticPlannedGrazing #wildlife #regenerativefarming #food #FoodSovereignty #health #grasslands #ecosystems
With only 3 DAYS TO GO until The Oxford Real Farming Conference (#ORFC2023) it's time to reflect on the past to inform the present & empower dreams for a shared land-base for all species, domestic & wild 💚
#Agroecology #Agroforestry #Food #Farming #RealFood #RealFarming #Biodiversity #Ecology #Agriwilding #RegenerativeFarming #Health #Wellbeing
#orfc2023 #agroecology #agroforestry #food #farming #RealFood #RealFarming #biodiversity #ecology #Agriwilding #regenerativefarming #health #wellbeing
"Our words hold so much power. Our narrative towards ‘Nature’ must change if we’re going to reshape our relationship with the wilder world & thus share the land with all life in a healing & not harmful way."
Watch #RebeccaHosking's Talk Here ➡️ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yJeeTDgIEm0&feature=youtu.be
#ORFC23 #Agroecology #Agriwilding #Agroforestry #RegenerativeFarming #RealFood #RealFarming #Wilderness #Nature #LandSharing #Permaculture
#RebeccaHosking #ORFC23 #agroecology #Agriwilding #agroforestry #regenerativefarming #RealFood #RealFarming #wilderness #nature #LandSharing #permaculture
"By looking at the bigger picture of animal-plant-ecosystem relationships, and based on the growing popularity of nature-based climate solutions, scientists believe that now is the time for the wider conservation and rewilding movements to embrace ACC (Animating the Carbon Cycle) to help animals fulfil their vital roles in the carbon cycle." 🤔
#Wildlife #Biodiversity #COP15 #Rewilding #Agriwilding #Climate #Carbon #Conservation #Nature #Ecosystems #Ecology
#wildlife #biodiversity #cop15 #rewilding #Agriwilding #Climate #carbon #Conservation #nature #ecosystems #ecology
Another day, another mob-grazing move at Greenfenn.
The flocks ebb & flow over the land is driven by enabling domestic & wild species to fully intertwine within the ecological web of the land-base & allowing other cohabitants the space & peace they require.
#Agriwilding #Mobgrazing #HolisticPlannedGrazing #AdaptiveMultiPaddockGRazing #Soil #Agroecology
#Agriwilding #Mobgrazing #HolisticPlannedGrazing #AdaptiveMultiPaddockGRazing #soil #agroecology
"We have strayed from “caretaker of land” to “user of land.” We have lost the ability to understand the vital connection we should have to the land. And we can blame this disconnection for the mass loss of biodiversity and ecological functionality underway, and the looming climate crisis at large."
#IndigenousPeoples #NatureConnection #Biophilia #Biocentrism #Ecology #Conservation #Agriwilding #COP15 #ForestSchool #Community #Wildlife
#indigenouspeoples #natureconnection #biophilia #Biocentrism #ecology #Conservation #Agriwilding #cop15 #forestschool #community #wildlife
GREAT to see that #ChrisPackham will join the Oxford Real Farming Conference (#ORFC23) in January as a show of solidarity with leading voices in #Agroecology from six continents who recognise the urgent need to transform #Food & #Farming by working with #Nature, not against it.
#RegenerativeFarming #Agroforestry #Permaculture #Regenerative #Resilience #FoodSovereignty #LandRights #IndigenousPeoples #Agriwilding #Wildlife #Conservation #Biodiversity #LandSharing
#chrispackham #ORFC23 #agroecology #food #farming #nature #regenerativefarming #agroforestry #permaculture #Regenerative #resilience #FoodSovereignty #landrights #indigenouspeoples #Agriwilding #wildlife #Conservation #biodiversity #LandSharing
@pineconeclare Totally, and why at Village Farm we put all this into practice and proved a viable business model with #NaturesRecovery at its core and driven by the ethics/principles laid out above. Alas, that venture came to a conclusion due to the tragic loss of Tim Green. But #agriwilding works and we still work to this formula today, albeit in a much reduced land-base capacity now at Greenfenn.
RT @WoodlandDave@twitter.com
#Degrowth to a #PostGrowth World.
It makes so much sense ✊
#RegenerativeCulture #Biocentrism #Rewilding #Agriwilding #Transition #Resilience #DoughnutEconomics #NewParadigm #AgroEcology #Health #Wellbeing #Community #Permaculture #RegenerativeFarming #Agroforestry #Leadership
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WoodlandDave/status/1592435647981420545
#leadership #agroforestry #regenerativefarming #permaculture #community #wellbeing #health #agroecology #NewParadigm #doughnuteconomics #resilience #transition #Agriwilding #rewilding #Biocentrism #regenerativeculture #postgrowth #degrowth
#Degrowth to a #PostGrowth World.
It makes so much sense ✊
#RegenerativeCulture #Biocentrism #Rewilding #Agriwilding #Transition #Resilience #DoughnutEconomics #NewParadigm #AgroEcology #EcoSpirituality #Health #Wellbeing #Community
#degrowth #postgrowth #RegenerativeCulture #Biocentrism #rewilding #Agriwilding #transition #resilience #DoughnutEconomics #NewParadigm #agroecology #ecospirituality #health #wellbeing #community
#Degrowth to a #PostGrowth World.
It makes so much sense ✊
#RegenerativeCulture #Biocentrism #Rewilding #Agriwilding #Transition #Resilience #DoughnutEconomics #NewParadigm #AgroEcology #EcoSpirituality
#degrowth #postgrowth #RegenerativeCulture #Biocentrism #rewilding #Agriwilding #transition #resilience #DoughnutEconomics #NewParadigm #agroecology #ecospirituality
Interesting to chat to a Natural England advisor & fellow farmer concerning the interface between #RegenerativeFarming & #Rewilding & how this grey area is the really exciting bit of a new #RegenerativeCulture + how holistic concepts like #Agriwilding & others offer a vital link!
#Agroecology #Agroforestry #Biocentrism #Regenerative #Resilience #Transition #Ecology #Wildlife #Biodiversity #RebeccaHosking #COP27
#regenerativefarming #rewilding #RegenerativeCulture #Agriwilding #agroecology #agroforestry #Biocentrism #Regenerative #resilience #transition #ecology #wildlife #biodiversity #RebeccaHosking #COP27
Interesting to chat to a Natural England advisor & fellow farmer concerning the interface between #RegenerativeFarming & #Rewilding & how this grey area is the really exciting bit of a new #RegenerativeCulture + how holistic concepts like #Agriwilding & others offer a vital link!
#Agroecology #Agroforestry #Biocentrism #Regenerative #Resilience #Transition #Ecology #Wildlife #Biodiversity #COP27
#regenerativefarming #rewilding #RegenerativeCulture #Agriwilding #agroecology #agroforestry #Biocentrism #Regenerative #resilience #transition #ecology #wildlife #biodiversity #COP27
"#Agriwilding: a shared cohabitation approach to the land, where humans are merely a keystone species, and other creatures are given the space they need to thrive."
Read Here: https://www.inkcapjournal.co.uk/rebecca-hosking/
#Agroecology #Agroforestry #Ecology #Biodiversity #Biocentrism #NatureConnection #Holism #RegenerativeCulture
#Agriwilding #agroecology #agroforestry #ecology #biodiversity #Biocentrism #natureconnection #Holism #RegenerativeCulture
"we need to farm in a more #nature-friendly, #biodiversity-supporting way, limiting the use of inputs and replacing monoculture with polyculture #farming practices."
Oooh - that sounds familiar 😆
#Agriwilding #RegenerativeFarming #Agroecology #Agroforestry #Resilience #Transition #Collapse
#nature #biodiversity #farming #Agriwilding #regenerativefarming #agroecology #agroforestry #resilience #transition #collapse