Is minimizing pain and suffering a #moral or #ethical obligation? Does the category of who or what is experiencing pain and suffering impact the obligation?
An old thought experiment: If an advanced alien species were to come to this planet and find human life to be less than themselves, would they be justified in farming humans for food, killing them for sport, or killing them due to competition over resources?
#Ahimsa #publicpolicy #philosophy #morality #ethics #ethical #moral
#PorLaPlanedo mi transdonis monon al Ukrainio🇺🇦 per je la kampo medicina: mi ja preferas subteni senperforton ol militon! #Ahimsa #HomojValoras #EtikaMondo
P-S: gratulon al Germanio! 💌
Kion vi opinias pri tio, kion vi faras? #NiAguKune
#PorLaPlanedo #Ahimsa #HomojValoras #EtikaMondo #NiAguKune
Here's what's called a gem!!! And what else do you expect when the best of the world's musicians come together. Hats off to sahab and collaborating to take us higher with #Ahimsa Can't wait for more!!! You guys... go listen on loop!!!