I was trying to do the math on #Ahsoka to see whether it made sense that she is so young compared to Darth Vader/Annakin Skywalker.
It's a bit of a stretch maybe but it checks out. If Annakin died in his 50s. Ahsoka would be mid 40s by the time of her series. (Though Annakin was played in the scene below by an actor in his 70s)
Mittwoch lange arbeiten ist so schrecklich 😵. Noch 40 Minuten …
Naja, das einzig Gute, dass ich heute morgen schon #Ahsoka schauen konnte.
#Ahsoka sieht aus wie #starwars , fühlt sich aber an wie eine Serie für Kinder. Ohne #RayStevenson wäre ich jetzt raus.
#Ahsoka #starwars #raystevenson
So, Episode 3 of Ahsoka.
Why does everyone use weird hand motions?
Why are there so many pregnant pauses?
Why did the space battle feel so unsuspenseful?
So little actually happened.
Die Folge zu Episode 1 und 2 von #Ahsoka vom Podcast House of R sind so super unterhaltsam, die beiden Hostinnen sind so voll von Freude und Energie 😍.
Danke @radiotatooine
für die Empfehlung 🙏🏼
Ich habe #Ahsoka: #TimeToFly (S1.E3) mit 7/10 auf #IMDb bewertet. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27484650/
#starwars #Ahsoka episode 3 is half an hour of solid storytelling and thrill. Happy to report creativity and imagination still present in the franchise's storytellers. Great to see they're always trying something different, from alien designs, to action set pieces, characters' backgrounds and traits, and tone and delivery of the story!
okay so #ahsoka is just gonna abandon that significant piece of canon huh
(bet i'm not talking about the one you think)
#Ahsoka Episode 1 Quick Review: Where's Marcia Lucas when you need her? Because this show needs her.
Mist, dabei hat der Charakter an sich sehr viel Potential, weil sie eher eine graue Jedi (wie Qui-Gon) ist.
#nw Ahsoka 1x01 "Part One: Master and Apprentice" https://trakt.tv/shows/ahsoka/seasons/1/episodes/1 #Ahsoka #trakt