If you use generative AI art as a 'placeholder' for your game with an 'intention' to use human artists at a later date - you will lose sales before your game is even finished.
Trust me.
Arguably, they are sales you don't want *but* do you want to even risk it?
Meine Oma spielt im Hühnerstall Motörhead...
#meineoma #handsaredifficult #wortwitz #AiGenerated
Ha!!!!! Zum Freitag was völlig verstörendes 😂
Der Heidi-Vorspann, gebastelt von einer AI
#ai #verstorend #heidi #AiGenerated
Recently been looking at a software called 'Glaze' that can protect artists from AI Minicry and other ai art scraping and generating software that can trick them into perceiving your artwork as something abstract instead of what is actually draw.
Here are some links about it:
Not necessarily a one size fits all solution, but definately a big first foot forward that will continue to develop in the right direction
#ai #AiGenerated #aiart #glaze #antiai #comeback #artists #art #protection #mastoart
#ai #AiGenerated #aiart #glaze #antiai #comeback #artists #art #protection #mastoart
We have a word for people who use #AI to generate images (and text and music) and it's not #Artists (it's Prompters)
Human creative work is #Art
Images and text produced by algorithms are #AIGenerated #Content
#content #AiGenerated #art #artists #ai
Nachti! 🛌🌙😴
#firefly #AIGenerated
meun neues Sofa - brrrr
#AiGenerated #firefly #jedenTageinBild
Gut‘s Nächtle! 🌙🛌😴
#firefly #AIGenerated
#AiGenerated #firefly #jedenTageinBild
Gute Nacht! 🌙🛌😴
Meine neuen Autos 🍄
mit Kernfusions-Antrieb 🤡
#Firefly #AIGenerated
#AiGenerated #firefly #jedenTageinBild
Gute Nacht! 🌙😴🛌
Fische im Wald
#firefly #AIGenerated
#AiGenerated #firefly #jedenTageinBild
Gute Nacht, schöne Träume! 🌙🛌😴
#firefly #AIGenerated
#AiGenerated #firefly #jedenTageinBild
Gute Nacht! 🌙🛌😴
#AIGenerated #Firefly
#firefly #AiGenerated #jedenTageinBild
Gute Nacht! 🛌🌙😴
#Firefly #AiGenerated
#AiGenerated #firefly #jedenTageinBild
Gute Nacht, gehabt euch wohl! 🛌🌙😴
#firefly #AiGenerated
#AiGenerated #firefly #jedenTageinBild
And then came my waifus....
Part 2
#midjourney #StableDiffusion #AIArt #AIGenerated #AI #GenerativeAI #GenerativeArt #aiartcommunity #FantasyArt #Fantasy #Mastoart #mastodonart #pixelfed #pixelfedart
#pixelfedart #pixelfed #mastodonart #mastoart #fantasy #fantasyart #AiArtCommunity #generativeart #generativeai #ai #AiGenerated #aiart #stablediffusion #midjourney #waifu
And then came my waifus....
Part 1
#waifu #midjourney #StableDiffusion #AIArt #AIGenerated #AI #GenerativeAI #GenerativeArt #aiartcommunity #FantasyArt #Fantasy #Mastoart #mastodonart #pixelfed #pixelfedart
#pixelfedart #pixelfed #mastodonart #mastoart #fantasy #fantasyart #AiArtCommunity #generativeart #generativeai #ai #AiGenerated #aiart #stablediffusion #midjourney #waifu
Das passiert, wenn die KI mit sich selber über die Dummheit der Menschheit diskutiert.
Link zum Snape-bot: https://t.me/SnapeGPT_bot
(man muss ihn aber schon dumme Fragen stellen oder zu etwas zwingen oder Social Media Kommentare rein kopieren)
Die ganzen Unterhaltungen als Text Dateien:
#gpt3 #chatgpt #AIArt #AIGenerated #AI #GenerativeAI #GenerativeArt #aiartcommunity #openai #chatbot
#chatbot #openai #AiArtCommunity #generativeart #generativeai #ai #AiGenerated #aiart #chatgpt #gpt3
#Sketch a (every other) day 03. I sketched this from an #aigenerated image. #StableDiffusion #leonardoai #art #sketchbook
#sketchbook #art #leonardoai #stablediffusion #AiGenerated #sketch
Putin Monster like - AI Art
Tried very different fantasy races, like goblins and ogres.
#AIArt by #midjourney v5
#ukraine #ukrainekonflikt #Krieg #putinlobby #putin #ukraineconflict #war #InternationalCourOfJustice #ArrestWarrant #DenHaag #ukrainewar #Russland #Russia #ICC #SecurityCouncil #Haftbefehl
#StableDiffusion #AIGenerated #AI #GenerativeAI #GenerativeArt #aiartcommunity #FantasyArt #Fantasy #Mastoart #mastodonart #pixelfed #pixelfedart
#pixelfedart #pixelfed #mastodonart #mastoart #fantasy #fantasyart #AiArtCommunity #generativeart #generativeai #ai #AiGenerated #stablediffusion #haftbefehl #securitycouncil #icc #russia #russland #UkraineWar #denhaag #arrestwarrant #internationalcourofjustice #war #ukraineconflict #putin #putinlobby #krieg #ukrainekonflikt #ukraine #midjourney #aiart
Putin Monster like - AI Art
Tried very different fantasy races, like goblins and ogres.
#AIArt by #midjourney v5
#ukraine #ukrainekonflikt #Krieg #putinlobby #putin #ukraineconflict #war #InternationalCourOfJustice #ArrestWarrant #DenHaag #ukrainewar #Russland #Russia #ICC #SecurityCouncil #Haftbefehl
#StableDiffusion #AIGenerated #AI #GenerativeAI #GenerativeArt #aiartcommunity #FantasyArt #Fantasy #Mastoart #mastodonart #pixelfed #pixelfedart
#pixelfedart #pixelfed #mastodonart #mastoart #fantasy #fantasyart #AiArtCommunity #generativeart #generativeai #ai #AiGenerated #stablediffusion #haftbefehl #securitycouncil #icc #russia #russland #UkraineWar #denhaag #arrestwarrant #internationalcourofjustice #war #ukraineconflict #putin #putinlobby #krieg #ukrainekonflikt #ukraine #midjourney #aiart