I should wait until Monday’s Apple event before buying new AirPods Pro, shouldn’t I? Even if it seems unlikely there’ll be a release then. Most likely scenario I have seen is a new case with USB-C.
#wonderlust #AirPodsPro #apple
@Dylan Have you tried #AirPodsMax yet?
One of the offspring has #BeatsStudio3 which were less than $200 from #BestBuy while they exhausted the stock to make way for #BeatsStudioPro. The latter is USB-C whereas the former was still micro USB.
I haven’t really tried them for more than a few seconds, so I’m still on the 1st Gen #AirPodsPro.
#AirPodsPro #beatsstudiopro #bestbuy #beatsstudio3 #AirPodsMax
楽天モバイル、「AirPods Pro (第2世代)」の4,300円オフセールを8月4日から開催|気になる、記になる…
#AirPodsPro #セール情報
01 Net: Ce boîtier d’AirPods Pro facile à ouvrir et à réparer n’a pas été conçu par Apple https://www.01net.com/actualites/ce-boitier-dairpods-pro-facile-a-ouvrir-et-a-reparer-na-pas-ete-concu-par-apple.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #AirPodsPro #réparation #Audio #Apple
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #AirPodsPro #reparation #audio #apple
01 Net: Mise à jour AirPods : quels changements et comment en profiter ? https://www.01net.com/actualites/mise-a-jour-airpods-quels-changements-et-comment-en-profiter.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #AirPodsPro2 #AirPodsPro #miseàjour #airpods2 #airpods #Audio #Apple
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #airpodspro2 #AirPodsPro #miseajour #airpods2 #AirPods #audio #apple
I really dislike when a #HomePod or the #AppleWatch that’s being worn on my wrist or the #AirPodsPro in my ears tell me, “You’ll need to continue on a personal device.” Entschuldigung?
#homepod #applewatch #AirPodsPro
#Bloomberg è abbastanza convinta: le prossime #AirPodsPro avranno la porta usb-c, il sensore di temperatura corporea e consentirà di fare un test per l’udito.
01 Net: Comment les futurs AirPods Pro vont prendre soin de vos oreilles https://www.01net.com/actualites/comment-futurs-airpods-pro-prendre-soin-oreilles.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #AirPodsPro #Audio #Apple
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #AirPodsPro #audio #apple
I used to think I could be an #Audiophile but then I realised “high res” is just marketing fluff designed to sell you music files in an exorbitantly expensive format that is completely unnecessary when a simple CD quality 44.1khz 16bit flac file (or even a well encoded 320kbps mp3) was more than adequate.
I have now ditched the “high res” DAC and wired headphones for my iPhone, #AppleMusic or #Bandcamp and #AirPodsPro. I enjoy #Music more now.
#audiophile #applemusic #bandcamp #AirPodsPro #music
Bluetooth audio: because I obviously need the same volume on my *actively powered* speaker system as I do on my #AirPodsPro.
Automatic switching on AirPods Pro has always been my biggest gripe with the product. Im so happy to say that its improved massively on the newest Beta update #6A238h .
Im able to switch between a call on my phone, a video on my laptop and then right back to my phone almost seamlessly.
Not quite perfect, but I’m so pleased!
#AirPodsPro #apple #ios17 #6a238h
Automatic switching on AirPods Pro has always been my biggest gripe with the product. Im so happy to say that its improved massively on the newest Beta update #6A238h .
Im able to switch between a call on my phone, a video on my laptop and then right back to my phone almost seamlessly.
Not quite perfect, but I’m so pleased!
#AirPodsPro #apple #ios17 #6a238h
Got these little shits to work again!!
All I needed to do was to hold the back button for 15 seconds and then let the case and Airpods battery die. Although now I have to set them up again....
Does anyone know where I can get one of these cables? #apple #AppleStore #airpods #AirPodsPro
#Apple #applestore #airpods #AirPodsPro
#Apple verkauft die #AirPodsPro2 im hauseigenen Online-Shop für 299 Euro, über #Amazon vertreibt Apple die AirPods Pro 2 für 246,68 Euro. Noch günstiger wird es heute bei #Cyberport: Hier könnt ihr die AirPods Pro 2 mit #MagSafe-#Ladecase für nur 219 Euro kaufen. Das ist der beste Preis im Internet, danach geht es bei 232 Euro weiter.
Alle Infos: https://www.appgefahren.de/airpods-pro-2-heute-fuer-nur-219-euro-bei-cyberport-kaufen-338695.html
#appgefahren #AppleBlog #AirPods #AirPodsPro #iPhone #iPad #Mac #Zubehör #Shopping
#Apple #airpodspro2 #amazon #cyberport #magsafe #ladecase #appgefahren #appleblog #airpods #AirPodsPro #iphone #ipad #mac #zubehor #shopping
SoftBank SELECTION、「AirPods Pro (第2世代)」のアウトレット品を販売中|気になる、記になる…
#Apple #AirPodsPro
@apfelnutzer Schau mal, da gab es ein Serviceprogramm für ältere Airpods Pro: https://support.apple.com/de-de/airpods-pro-service-program-sound-issues Check mal ob deine das reinpassen. #Servicetoot #AirPodsPro #Serviceprogramm #Apple
#apple #Serviceprogramm #AirPodsPro #servicetoot
Einer meiner #AirPodsPro rauscht stark, sobald ich ihn ins Ohr stecke. Erst war das nur ab und zu so, jetzt geht es nicht mehr weg. Hat da jemand eine Idee? Sind schon ein paar Jahre alt, Garantie habe ich nicht mehr. Jetzt kann ich beim Laufen nicht mehr den #Apfelfunk hören - wie soll ich es da durch die KeynoteßFolge schaffen?! 😳#ApfelfunkGetröte
#apfelfunkgetrote #apfelfunk #AirPodsPro