I wrote this post on LinkedIn summarizing the extensive research on #AirSensors also called low-cost sensors that report PM. Bottom line: cheap sensors may be good at detecting submicron PM (< 1 μm - soot, smoke) but can't see larger particles (construction or desert dust, ash). So reported PM₁.₀ may be okay, PM₂.₅ needs verification, PM₁₀ is unreliable and should not be used.
Use Of Citizen Science-Derived Data For Spatial And Temporal Modeling Of Particulate Matter Near The US/Mexico Border
-- <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #PM25 #landuse #citizenscience #airsensors #survey #airmonitoring #airquality #California #community #CitizenScience #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #temporal #particulates #dust #USA #Mexico #SoCal #SouthernCalifornia #publichealth #water #hydrology #agriculture #arid #wind #windborne #monitoring
#gis #spatial #mapping #pm25 #landuse #citizenscience #AirSensors #survey #airmonitoring #airquality #California #community #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #temporal #particulates #dust #USA #mexico #socal #southerncalifornia #publichealth #water #hydrology #agriculture #arid #wind #windborne #monitoring
Over 70 people have registered for the next CAMS-Net/AfriqAir meeting (March 7-10) - more than we can accommodate (and support for travel). So, we are freezing new registrations till further notice and adding names to a wait list. #AfricaAQ #airpollution #AirSensors
#africaaq #airpollution #AirSensors
Nantes, Ile-de-France: Aria Technologies is looking for an #atmosphericscience systems modeler - WRF, CHIMERE, FARM; interfacing with @CopernicusEU data and integration with #airsensors and #satellite data. PhD and experience in DevOps. h/t Dr Isabelle Coll, LISA. Experience in WRF-Chem or CMAQ also acceptable if you haven't worked with CHIMERE itself.
#atmosphericscience #AirSensors #satellite The US EPA's Enhanced Air Sensors Guidebook, just out. I haven't read it, but the authors I know - Andrea Clements, Rachelle Duvall, Tim Dye - are solid. #airquality #airsensors #airpollution
#airquality #AirSensors #airpollution
I'll do a real #Introduction later. Have some random hashtags instead:
But also:
#introduction #AtmosphericChemistry #AtmosChem #StableIsotopes #StableIsotopeGeochemistry #AirSensors #AirQuality #AirPollution #VolatileOrganicCompounds #VOCs #ClumpAllTheThings #Methane #GreenhouseGases #SulfurMIF #Photochemistry #Formaldehyde #HCHO #MassSpectrometry #GasChromatography #Spectroscopy #pfas #Ozone #NitrogenDioxide #NAAQS #AirToxics #KORUSAQ #UWFPS #LMOS #LISTOS #LongIslandSound2023 #MIT #Neurodiversity #DisabilityJustice