⚠️ Návod, jak zjistit, zda u sebe nemáte tracker⚠️
Android zjistí, že ho sleduje AirTag. Detekce funguje i u starších verzí, poradíme, kde ji hledat – MobilMania.cz
#AirTag #personalsecurity #BluetoothTracker #bluetoothtrackers #mobilmania
#AirTag #personalsecurity #bluetoothtracker #bluetoothtrackers #mobilmania
Are You Being #Tracked by an #AirTag? Here’s How to Check
If you’re worried that one of Apple’s trackers is following you without consent, try these tips.
#privacy #apple #surveillance
#surveillance #apple #privacy #AirTag #tracked
@luebbermann Fahrraddiebe scannen jedenfalls auch nach AirTags und können diese trivial jammen...
D.h wenn's nen Bike ist dass den Aufwand Wert ist würd' ich nicht auf ne proprietäre #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider - Lösungen setzen...
Ist nen bisschen rückwärts gedacht wenn Mensch erst nen #AirTag kauft und danach erst nach'm Einbau darüber nachdenkt wie der benutzbar ist...
#AirTag #SingleProvider #singlevendor
#Android phones can now tell you if there’s an #AirTag following you
#pricacy #surveillance
#surveillance #pricacy #AirTag #Android
1st time I’ve put an #Airtag in my hold luggage.
Best make sure all the correct settings are switched off unless I need to switch on.
Don’t fancy my case being exploded !
Especially with my 2 new Mankinis tucked inside.
#Ohio Senate moves to criminalize secretly #tracking people with #AirTags , similar apps, devices | AP News
Tracking someone through apps and devices like the popular Apple #AirTag without their consent could soon be deemed a criminal offense in Ohio, after the state’s #Republican -led Senate advanced the measure Wednesday with a unanimous bipartisan vote.
#privacy #surveillance #tile
#tile #surveillance #privacy #republican #AirTag #AirTags #tracking #ohio
You can share AirTags on #iOS 17!! 🥳🎉🍾 “#AirTag can be shared with up to five other people, allowing friends and family to keep track of an item in Find My. Everyone in a group will be able to see an item’s location, play a sound, and use Precision Finding to help pinpoint the location of a shared AirTag when nearby. This also works with all other Find My network accessories.”
#wwdc23 #wwdc2023 #iOS #AirTag #Apple #appleevent #wwdc
🎮 #NintendoSwitch tip for carrying case owners:
1. Fuse a bit of velcro to an AirTag.
2. Stick the AirTag to the inside of the case (I recommend upper left corner, so it seats on an empty space when you close the case with the Switch inside).
3. Enjoy some peace of mind!
#tearsofthekingdom #zelda #AirTag #nintendoswitch
#Apple and #Google introduce standard to combat #AirTag and #Tiletracker misuse
#privacy #surveillance https://arstechnica.com/?p=1936023
#surveillance #privacy #tiletracker #AirTag #Google #apple
Apple и Google совместно представили спецификацию, позволяющую предотвратить нежелательное отслеживание при помощи #AirTag и его аналогов.
Сегодня #Apple и #Google совместно представили предложение всей отрасли внести спецификацию для помощи в борьбе с неправомерным использованием устройств отслеживания местоположения. Такие устройства работают по Bluetooth для отслеживания или геопозиционирования.
Not sure about this. Police departments shouldn’t endorse specific technology. (At the same time, that's exactly what I did.) But at this point, the #AirTag is not necessarily the best tool for finding a stolen vehicle. The built-in GPS integrated into most new car models would be more useful. As far as console integration goes: GM wants to get rid of #CarPlay. So that's not going to happen. https://daringfireball.net/linked/2023/05/01/nypd-cars-airtags
Taking matters in own hands using #Apple #Airtag. Now, the vigilante will probably have to spend time in prison. #DontDropSoap 🧼
#GWB - Pixel Tag / Pixel Finder: Google arbeitet an neuer AirTag-Alternative – Bluetooth-Tracker orientiert sich an Apple - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2023/03/pixel-tag-finder-google-airtag/ #findmydevice #fastpair #pixeltag #Google #airtag #pixel
#gwb #findmydevice #fastpair #pixeltag #google #AirTag #pixel
Como o AirTag da Apple se transformou em uma ferramenta de vigilância
Apple releases new $349.00 AirTag Hermès Key Ring colors and new Bag Charms https://www.theapplepost.com/2023/03/07/apple-releases-new-349-00-airtag-hermes-key-ring-colors-and-new-bag-charms/