: had inserted a prosthesis of silver for 's severed arm, but a black beetle lived in it, causing the king terrible pain by nibbling at his wound. With the help of his sister , was able to grow him a new arm. But Diancecht then killed his son out of jealousy and buried him in the ground. From 's grave, however, 365 different medicinal herbs grew through 's tears, which she named and saved. When found out, he mixed them all up so that their powers were lost. Only knew them and knew how to use them.
Source: Guyonvarc'h/Le Roux `Die `

#celtic #mythologymonday #Diancecht #Nuada #Airmed #Miach #Druiden

Last updated 1 year ago

The had inserted a prosthesis of silver for 's severed arm, but a black beetle lived in it, causing the king terrible pain by nibbling at his wound. With the help of his sister , was able to grow him a new arm. But Diancecht then killed his son out of jealousy and buried him in the ground.
From 's grave, however, 365 different medicinal herbs grew through 's tears, which she named and saved. When found out, he mixed them all up so that their powers were lost. Only knew them and knew how to use them.
Source: Guyonvarc'h/Le Roux `Die Druiden`

#celtic #druid #Diancecht #Nuada #Airmed #Miach

Last updated 3 years ago