Someone asked us to look at a new(?) bank that has apparently been advertising in lately, namely

We couldn't access the site because it not only blocks but it also goes through servers.

It looks like just another bank that pretends to care about your privacy while going through US-owned servers.

Stick to real and real money — or monero.

#australia #torbrowser #AkamaiGhost #banking #bitcoin #somethingsneverchange

Last updated 2 years ago

We forget, what is your position on CloudFlare? A lot of sites are "fake Russian" and actually go through .

A good way to find or sites that allow , is to use Ctrl+Shift+E in TorBrowser. CloudFlare sites have "cf-ray" in their HTTP responses, have "amz" or "AmazonS3". The and Azure are centralised scams.

Lots of as a service on the .

#cloudflare #fakeSites #massSurviellance #amazon #AkamaiGhost #malware #legacyInternet #AmazonS3 #cdns #CorporateDictatorshipNetworks #usei2p

Last updated 2 years ago