Lesenswertes Interview mit Immunologin #AkikoIwasaki über #LongCovid, #MECFS, die historische Ignoranz der Medizin bei postinfektiösen Erkrankungen und das Ende der #Pandemie.
#pandemie #mecfs #LongCovid #AkikoIwasaki
Kaum zu glauben: Die heutige Auszeichnung von #AkikoIwasaki mit dem #ElseKrönerFreseniusPreis hat #LongCovid und #MECFS ins @ZDF #HeuteJournal befördert.
#heutejournal #mecfs #LongCovid #elsekronerfreseniuspreis #AkikoIwasaki
Prof. #AkikoIwasaki:
"I always have in the back of my mind – how can these insights from #longCovid help people with #MECFS and other post-acute phases of infections, like #postLyme disease"
"I get that people want to move on from the #pandemic, but the #virus is still out there, people are getting infected, and there’s the possibility of developing long #Covid"
"some days I feel like I don’t even want to open #Twitter. There are a lot of trolls and abusive comments"
#twitter #covid #virus #pandemic #postlyme #mecfs #LongCovid #AkikoIwasaki
The Tyee: The ‘Kraken’ Virus Is Here. What’s the Threat Level? (in Analysis) https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/01/04/Kraken-Virus-Threat-Level/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #COVID-19transmission #Omicronsubvariant #YunlongRichardCao #COVID-19variants #DeeptiGurdasani #EricFeigl-Ding #XBB.1.5variant #T.RyanGregory #AkikoIwasaki #TaraMoriarty #Celljournal #J.P.Weiland #longCOVID #N95masks
#BCNews #TheTyee #covid #Omicronsubvariant #YunlongRichardCao #DeeptiGurdasani #EricFeigl #XBB #t #AkikoIwasaki #TaraMoriarty #Celljournal #j #LongCovid #N95masks
#AkikoIwasaki answers further questions about her presentation in november. She tells more about #autoantibodies and why their importance may not be so great.
#postvaxx #LongCovid #autoantibodies #AkikoIwasaki
Wer den Vortrag von #AkikoIwasaki verpasst hat, findet hier eine wenige Tage alte Session, in der sie den gleichen Vortrag gehalten hat.
#LongCovid #PostCovid #AkikoIwasaki #lc_jena2022
#PostVac #LongCovid #MECFS
#AkikoIwasaki #PostVac #LongCovid #mecfs