AA wants soooo badly for the 12 Steps to be their major contribution to the world, when the steps are mostly general self help and nothing really special imo. The *real* genius of AA is actually the 12 Traditions, which is what I attribute AA’s ability to spread throughout North America and the rest of the world.
It really is an amazing example a democratic, horizontal (mostly) mutual aid organization. The 12 Traditions of AA are a lot less well known (virtually everyone knows that the first step is some variation of “admitting you have a problem” and that if you allude to your “higher power” or “making amends” that your likely in AA/NA/Al-Anon) so I’ll list them here
1. Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon A.A. unity.
2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority — a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.
3. The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking.
4. Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or A.A. as a whole.
5. Each group has but one primary purpose — to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.
6. An A.A. group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the A.A. name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.
7. Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
8. Alcoholics Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.
9. A.A., as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.
10. Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.
11. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.
12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.
#addiction #recovery #harmreduction #alcoholicsanonymous #NarcoticsAnonymous #AlAnon #TwelveSteps
#addiction #recovery #harmreduction #alcoholicsanonymous #narcoticsanonymous #AlAnon #twelvesteps
For real, curating what comes into my brain helps keep me #sober.
As a person with a long history of trying to change what I can't change.
#sober #recoveryposse #alcoholicsanonymous #AlAnon
All of my clients #today are struggling with substance use, have struggled with substance use, and/or are affected by someone else's substance use.💔
I have enough problematic day drinkers on my caseload I could start a small group.
We could meet at 10 am and call it happy hour.
Love my people. #Powerless.
#today #powerless #alcoholicsanonymous #AlAnon #therapy #recoveryposse
I have worked the #12Traditions in workshops before. But never personally the same way I work the #12Steps. Looking forward to that and the #12Concepts. Working out of #PathsToRecovery and #ReachingForPersonalFreedom, both of which are #AlAnon #ConferenceApprovedLitetature.
I tried to speech-to-text "Hashtag salad!!!" just now. It wrote #Salad.
#12traditions #12steps #12concepts #pathstorecovery #reachingforpersonalfreedom #AlAnon #conferenceapprovedlitetature #salad
My spreadsheet says I have 15 years and 8 months in #AlAnon. I haven't belonged to a group that celebrates birthdays / Al-Anon anniversaries in some time. I need spreadsheets and lists to keep up with everything.
BTW I'm on Step 11 of my third pass through the Steps. Or second, depending on how you count. My second pass through the steps lost momentum and fizzled around step 7. #AlAnon
My town does not have an active #AlAnon meeting. I'm discussing with my HP whether to attempt to start one or not. In the meantime my home group is a Discord group. You can find it and others on the Al-Anon website under Electronic Meetings.
#book #reading #winning #racialequity #AlAnon #mindfulness
All of the trusted servant positions are filled in my little #AlAnon homegroup!!! 🙌🙌🙌
Better yet I'm not doing any of them right now (Not against service work but do a lot of service in another group.) So phew.
Someone I care a lot about is in a tough spot and it's a full time job not to hover, rescue, and enable.
This is what I'm doing: worrying, praying, meditating, lighting a candle, meeting my responsibilities, sticking with my routine, fretfully cleaning, staying in touch with my #recovering folk, looking forward to seeing my sponsor, venting to y'all.
Is it working?
Well I'm still #sober.
#recovering #sober #recoveryposse #alcoholicsanonymous #AlAnon
01. Februar – Zweiter Schritt
"Heute will ich - ungeachtet meiner Umstände - mit meiner ganzen Kraft glauben, daß eine Macht, größer als ich selbst, mir zu einer friedlichen, gesunden Lebensweise verhilft. Sodann entspanne ich mich und überlasse alles weitere dieser Höheren Macht. ..."
#12Steps #CoDA #EA #Alanon #12Schritte #CodependentsAnonymous
#CodependentsAnonymous #12Schritte #AlAnon #EA #CoDA #12Steps #KraftzumLoslassen #Bot
31. Januar – Bedürfnisse anmelden
"Heute will ich mich darauf besinnen, daß Gott sich um das kümmert, was ich brauche, vor allem dann, wenn ich mich darum kümmere. ..."
#12Steps #CoDA #EA #Alanon #12Schritte #CodependentsAnonymous
#CodependentsAnonymous #12Schritte #AlAnon #EA #CoDA #12Steps #KraftzumLoslassen #Bot
30. Januar – Religiöse Freiheit
"Heute will ich das Gottesverständnis anderer Leute ebenso respektieren wie mein eigenes. Ich werde nicht zulassen, dass das Urteil anderer über meine Glaubensrichtung mir Angst und Leid verursacht. Ich trachte danach, im Heilungsprozeß spirituell zu wachsen, mit oder ohne Unterstützung einer bestimmten Religio ..."
#12Steps #CoDA #EA #Alanon #12Schritte #CodependentsAnonymous
#CodependentsAnonymous #12Schritte #AlAnon #EA #CoDA #12Steps #KraftzumLoslassen #Bot
29. Januar – Selbsthilfegruppen besuchen
"Heute denke ich daran, daß mir geholfen wird, wenn ich eines unserer Treffen besuche. ..."
#12Steps #CoDA #EA #Alanon #12Schritte #CodependentsAnonymous
#CodependentsAnonymous #12Schritte #AlAnon #EA #CoDA #12Steps #KraftzumLoslassen #Bot
I was sharing about my Dad in #AlAnon today and about really not knowing and taking it #odaat and the meeting chair was just nodding and nodding and I felt in that moment like something must be making sense.
Not much has really been making sense lately.
So thanks for that A. 🙏🙏🙏
Bookended my day with zoom #AA in the morning and zoom #AlAnon in the evening. Ate homemade soup. Ate kiwi. Ate wild rice. Drank bitter hot chocolate. Scrubbed the tub and bleached the shower curtain and toilets and cleaned my part of the fridge and walked for 84 minutes and took 3 naps.
Maybe 4.
Texted with people who love me. Got paid to do a thing I would do for free.
I'm so very spoiled on the day to day.
#aa #AlAnon #grateful #highmaintenance #sober #recoveryposse
28. Januar – Leben in der Gegenwart
"Ich bitte um den Glauben, daß meine Zukunft gut sein wird, wenn ich heute gut und in Frieden lebe. Ich besinne mich darauf, daß mein Leben in der Gegenwart das Beste ist, was ich für meine Zukunft tun kann. Ich beschäftige mich damit, was jetzt geschieht, und nicht damit, was morgen eventuell geschehen k ..."
#12Steps #CoDA #EA #Alanon #12Schritte #CodependentsAnonymous
#CodependentsAnonymous #12Schritte #AlAnon #EA #CoDA #12Steps #KraftzumLoslassen #Bot
27. Januar – Menschen brauchen
"Heute will ich nach Ausgleich streben zwischen übertriebener Bedürftigkeit und meiner inneren Sperre, die mich davon abhält, Menschen überhaupt in Anspruch zu nehmen. Ich lasse zu, daß ich die Liebe empfange, die für mich vorgesehen ist. ..."
#12Steps #CoDA #EA #Alanon #12Schritte #CodependentsAnonymous
#CodependentsAnonymous #12Schritte #AlAnon #EA #CoDA #12Steps #KraftzumLoslassen #Bot