The #EU of 'European Values', the EU that cares about 'Freedom of Religion', the EU that cares about 'Human Rights' - What do they have to say about this brutal treatment of #Palestinians by the Apartheid State of #Israel ..? Any statement from @vonderleyen or @JosepBorrellF ...?
RT @AbujomaaGaza: Israeli occupation forces storm #Al_Aqsa_Mosque and open fire at Palestinian Muslim worshipers during the 14th night of Muslim's fasting holy month of #Ramadan!
#EU #palestinians #Israel #Al_Aqsa_Mosque #Ramadan
المسجد الأقصى المبارك فجر اليوم
#Al_Aqsa_Mosque 💚
#فلسطين #القدس #المسجد_الأقصى
#تصوير عبد العفو بسام
#Jerusalem #palestine
#palestine #jerusalem #تصوير #المسجد_الأقصى #القدس #فلسطين #Al_Aqsa_Mosque