MJ Muse · @MJmusicinears
381 followers · 4178 posts · Server mastodon.world

mediaite.com/tv/dershowitz-say croney & pedophlie, says should be worried. He goes on to say, "If I were him, I would be worried today. He’ll probably ultimately win on appeal, but do judges today have the courage – if they run for election as prosecutors run for election – to do something favorable to Trump in a city which overwhelmingly despises Trump? That’s what’s wrong with this justice system."

#jeffreyepstein #AlanDershowitz #TraitorTrump #arresttrump #trumpcrimes

Last updated 1 year ago

franki · @franki
184 followers · 67 posts · Server mastodon.lol

@Freedom2B ", an attorney and Harvard law professor, said that it’s extremely hard to predict violent crimes, but that Aldrich’s case is a rare example of when the evidence was so overwhelming for past and potential future crimes that the suspect “clearly should have been confined.”

“This does not seem like a hard case,” Dershowitz said Thursday. “This seems like a case of prosecutorial incompetence.” "


#AlanDershowitz #clubq

Last updated 2 years ago

CHAUNCEY I. BROWN III · @nytalkradiohost
75 followers · 1127 posts · Server masthead.social
Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
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