Alan Wake 2, nuovo video gameplay da 11 minuti con protagonista Saga Anderson
Finally made up my mind on what PC configuration I’m going to play #AlanWake2 and #ControlRemedy on (with RTX of course 😎) it only took me 6 months to work through all the reviews for the hardware that could fit in the limited space I have for the PC, get hyped for AMD’s new hw/sw, realizing that Northlight’s RT implements is still only really optimized for Nvidia, etc.
Probably will take me as long to actually save enough money for it (or compensate the losses on my savings account 😅)
😛 Con Epic First Run, Epic Games Store offre agli sviluppatori il 100% delle entrate
#AlanWake2 #epic #epicfirstrun #epicgames #store #fortnite #gaming #videogiochi @EpicGames
#AlanWake2 #epic #epicfirstrun #epicgames #store #fortnite #gaming #videogiochi
@gamingtalker ho giocato il primo #AlanWake ed era favoloso, spero che #AlanWake2 sia all’altezza del primo anche se dal trailer sembra più un horror che un thriller.
Delay of Game: release dates announced, release dates shifted for small and big games this year
Sonic Superstars, Hyper Light Breaker and Alan Wake 2 lead release date announcements and changes
#News #AlanWake2 #HyperLightBreaker #SonicSuperstars
#sonicsuperstars #HyperLightBreaker #AlanWake2 #News
Epic will start offering devs 100% of revenue for Epic Games Store exclusivity - #RemedyEntertainment #ActionAdventure #EpicGamesStore #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #AlanWake2 #EpicGames #Shooter #PS5 #PC
#pc #ps5 #shooter #epicgames #AlanWake2 #thirdperson #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #epicgamesstore #ActionAdventure #remedyentertainment
Ui Alan Wake 2 bekommt #Pathtracing #raytracing und DLSS 3.5😃
Gefällt mir😃
Remedy will wohl #Cyberpunk2077 Konkurrenz machen.
#gaming #AAAGaming #AlanWake2 #pathtracing #raytracing #cyberpunk2077
Quantum Break and Max Payne aren't in Remedy's Connected Universe, despite the Easter eggs - #RemedyEntertainment #MicrosoftStudios #ActionAdventure #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #gamescom2023 #QuantumBreak #Thirdperson #AlanWake2 #Gamescom #Shooter #XboxOne #PS5 #PC
#pc #ps5 #xboxone #shooter #gamescom #AlanWake2 #thirdperson #quantumbreak #gamescom2023 #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #ActionAdventure #microsoftstudios #remedyentertainment
Bande annonce du jeu Alan Wake 2 (Remedy)
#videogame #AlanWake2 #trailer
#videogame #AlanWake2 #trailer
Alan Wake 2, nuovo gameplay trailer dalla Gamescom 2023
#AlanWake2 #openingnightlivegamescom2023 #remedy #video
Nvidia’s Ray Reconstruction aims to do for ray tracing what DLSS did for anti-aliasing - #Cyberpunk2077:PhantomLiberty #MultiplayerCompetitive #RemedyEntertainment #ActionAdventure #Cyberpunk2077 #XboxSeriesX/S #gamescom2023 #SinglePlayer #CDProjektRED #Thirdperson #Firstperson #RayTracing #AlanWake2 #CDProjekt #NvidiaRTX #Gamescom #Hardware #XboxOne #Shooter #Nvidia #DLSS3 #PS4
#cyberpunk2077 #multiplayercompetitive #remedyentertainment #ActionAdventure #XboxSeriesX #gamescom2023 #singleplayer #cdprojektred #thirdperson #firstperson #raytracing #AlanWake2 #cdprojekt #NvidiaRTX #gamescom #hardware #xboxone #shooter #nvidia #dlss3 #ps4
Alan Wake 2 delayed ten days to avoid other game releases - #RemedyEntertainment #Survival&Crafting; #ActionAdventure #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #AlanWake2 #Shooter #Remedy #Horror #PS5 #PC
#pc #ps5 #horror #remedy #shooter #AlanWake2 #thirdperson #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #ActionAdventure #survival #remedyentertainment
Alan Wake 2, data di uscita posticipata di 10 giorni perché ad ottobre escono troppi giochi
Comment was about Alan Wake 2 having a black woman in it. That's it.
Frankly, these nazis are unreachable. We just gotta enjoy shit louder than they whine. I'm looking forward to getting to know what seems to be a compelling character.
#AlanWake2 #gamer #gamesareforeveryone #Games
Alan Wake is a terrible writer but dammit, I respect him - #NordicGamesPublishing #NamcoBandaiPartners #RemedyEntertainment #AlanWakeRemastered #LegacyInteractive #MicrosoftStudios #NordicGamesGmbH #ActionAdventure #Supportersonly #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #EpicGames #AlanWake2 #Microsoft #AlanWake #Shooter #Xbox360 #XboxOne #Remedy #PS5 #PS4 #PC
#pc #ps4 #ps5 #remedy #xboxone #xbox360 #shooter #alanwake #microsoft #AlanWake2 #epicgames #thirdperson #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #Supportersonly #ActionAdventure #nordicgamesgmbh #microsoftstudios #legacyinteractive #AlanWakeRemastered #remedyentertainment #namcobandaipartners #nordicgamespublishing
@Sebastian ich freue mich schon voll auf
#Control2 (okay, noch etwas weit weg)
aber eigentlich wollte ich auch noch
#Cyperpunk2077 und #FFVII daddeln... :blobcat0_0:
und nebenbei lübbt auch noch #destiny2
#AlanWake2 #control2 #spacemarine2 #cyperpunk2077 #ffvii #destiny2
Is Alan Wake 2 de droomgame van Remedy?
Aún tengo por pasarme el #Cyberpunk2077, pero me esperaré al parche que vendrá con #PhantomLiberty. He aprovechado para reservar también el #AlanWake2.
Mientras llegan, tengo «curro» con el #SuperMarioOdissey, el #NewSuperMarioBrosUDeluxe, el #TheLegendofZelda #BreathoftheWild y el #TearsoftheKingdom.
#tearsofthekingdom #breathofthewild #thelegendofzelda #newsupermariobrosudeluxe #supermarioodissey #AlanWake2 #PhantomLiberty #cyberpunk2077
#AlanWake2 erscheint nur digital. Über diese Entscheidung sprachen die Macher jetzt und begründeten es unter anderem damit, dass man so mehr Zeit für Bugfixing und Polishing habe. Auf Disc müsse das Spiel schließlich auch ohne Patch spielbar sein.
#AlanWake2 is putting story above all @eurogamer