Crumb shots - Multi-seeded (40g of mixed seeds) sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using an Alaskan starter, 5% cracked Emmer wheat, 20% home milled Emmer flour, 10% Mulika flour (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, zest 1 lemon, dried rose petals & 650g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #baking #emmer #mulika #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #driedrosepetals #alaskan
#sourdough #baking #emmer #mulika #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #driedrosepetals #Alaskan
Out of the oven. Now this smells good! Multi-seeded (40g of mixed seeds) sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using an Alaskan starter, 5% cracked Emmer wheat, 20% home milled Emmer flour, 10% Mulika flour (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, zest 1 lemon, dried rose petals & 650g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #baking #emmer #mulika #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #driedrosepetals #alaskan
#sourdough #baking #emmer #mulika #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #driedrosepetals #Alaskan
4 hour bulk fermentation @26°C, 1.5 hrs in bannetons @26°C and photo after 3hrs in the fridge @ 7°C (14hrs to go). Multi-seeded (40g) sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using an Alaskan starter, 5% cracked Emmer wheat, 20% home milled Emmer flour, 10% Mulika flour (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, zest 1 lemon, dried rose petals & 650g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #baking #emmer #mulika #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #driedrosepetals #alaskan
#sourdough #baking #emmer #mulika #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #driedrosepetals #Alaskan
Crumbs shots of my multi-seeded sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using an Alaskan starter, 200g scalded home milled organic Spelt flour, 250g home milled organic Holdfast flour, 50g scalded cracked Spelt wheat (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, zest 1 lemon and 500g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon
#sourdough #Alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon
Out if the oven by 7.30am - Multi-seeded sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using an Alaskan starter, 200g scalded home milled organic Spelt flour, 250g home milled organic Holdfast flour, 50g scalded cracked Spelt wheat (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, zest 1 lemon and 500g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon
#sourdough #Alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon
4 hour bulk fermentation @26°C, 1.5hrs fermentation in bannetons @26°C after 3hrs in the fridge @ 7°C (14hrs to go). Multi-seeded sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using an Alaskan starter, 200g scalded home milled organic Spelt flour, 250g home milled organic Holdfast flour, 50g scalded cracked Spelt wheat (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, zest 1 lemon and 500g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon
#sourdough #Alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon
Sourdough naans using the recipe below but laminated with black pepper and chopped coriander leaves. #sourdough #bread #breadposting #alaskan #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #spelt #holdfast #crackedwheat #lemon #lemonzest #naans #indian
#sourdough #bread #breadposting #Alaskan #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #spelt #holdfast #crackedwheat #lemon #lemonzest #naans #indian
The recipe below is for my next sourdough which I will bake next week.This time I have added 50% of my home milled flour into my recipe which includes some cracked Spelt wheat. Use any sourdough starter for this recipe and use any of your preferred wholemeal flour to replace the flour I use. Scalding and using olive oil makes a lighter, spongier loaf. #sourdough #bread #breadposting #alaskan #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #spelt #holdfast #crackedwheat #lemon #lemonzest
#sourdough #bread #breadposting #Alaskan #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #spelt #holdfast #crackedwheat #lemon #lemonzest
Crumb shots of my multi-seeded sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using an Alaskan starter, 200g scalded home milled organic Einkorn flour, 100g home milled organic Spelt flour (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, chopped sage, and 700g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #sage
#sourdough #Alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #sage
Fresh out of the oven - multi-seeded sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using an Alaskan starter, 200g scalded home milled organic Einkorn flour, 100g home milled organic Spelt flour (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, chopped sage, and 700g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #sage
#sourdough #Alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #sage
4 hour bulk fermentation @26°C, 1.5hrs fermentation in bannetons @26°C and photo below after 3 hours in the fridge @ 7°C (another 15 hours to go). Multi-seeded sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using an Alaskan starter, 200g scalded home milled organic Einkorn flour, 100g home milled organic Spelt flour (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, chopped sage, and 700g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #sage
#sourdough #Alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #sage
My next recipe for you! I will start my next 2 sourdough loaves tonight. The Einkorn and Spelt berries have been milled and the flour will be scalded later tonight. Use any sourdough starter for this recipe. Use any of your preferred wholemeal flour to replace the flour I use. #sourdough #bread #breadposting #alaskan #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #spelt
#sourdough #bread #breadposting #Alaskan #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #spelt
Crumb shots of my multi-seeded sourdough (see recipe below) using an Alaskan starter, 250g scalded home milled flour (using a Mockmill 100 - blend No.4 *see previous posts), 60g olive oil and 750g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling
#sourdough #Alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling
Out of the oven and smelling good plus ‘pinging’ - Multi-seeded sourdough (see recipe below) using an Alaskan starter, 250g scalded home milled flour (using a Mockmill 100 - blend No.4 *see previous posts), 60g olive oil and 750g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling
#sourdough #Alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling
4 hour bulk fermentation @26°C, 1.5hrs fermentation in bannetons @26°C and photo below after 3 hours in the fridge @ 7°C (another 15 hours to go). Multi seeded sourdough (see recipe below) using an Alaskan starter, 250g scalded home milled flour (using a Mockmill 100 - blend No.4 *see previous posts), 60g olive oil and 750g very strong Canadian white flour. In the oven around 6.15am tomorrow. #sourdough #alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling
#sourdough #Alaskan #baking #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling
Yet another new recipe! Scalding and mixing the levain tonight, mixing ingredients tomorrow, baking Wednesday. Use any sourdough starter for this recipe and vary the seed combination to your liking. I have milled 250g of my own flour mix (blend No.4 - see previous posts) plus 750g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #bread #breadposting #alaskan #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian
#sourdough #bread #breadposting #Alaskan #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian
Really pleased with these 2 loaves! The colour is stunning and texture lovely. Just about to devour some for my lunch. Crumb shots of my multi-seeded sourdough using an Alaskan starter, 30% scalded home milled Emmer flour (using a Mockmill 100) 6% olive oil and very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #alaskan #breadiverse #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #emmer #baking
#sourdough #Alaskan #breadiverse #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #emmer #baking
Fresh out of the oven. I can’t wait to taste this! Multi seeded sourdough using an Alaskan starter, 30% scalded home milled Emmer flour (using a Mockmill 100) 6% olive oil and very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #alaskan #breadiverse #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #emmer #baking
#sourdough #Alaskan #breadiverse #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #emmer #baking
After 3hrs in the fridge @ 7°C (another 14hrs to go) - Multi seeded sourdough using an Alaskan starter, 30% scalded home milled Emmer flour (using a Mockmill 100) 6% olive oil and very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #alaskan #breadiverse #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #emmer #baking
#sourdough #Alaskan #breadiverse #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #emmer #baking
My next bake (after tomorrow) will be a multi seeded sourdough using 30% home milled Emmer flour (using a Mockmill 100) and 70% very strong Canadian white flour. The recipe is below. #sourdough #emmer #breadposting #alaskan #bread #canada #breadiverse
#sourdough #emmer #breadposting #Alaskan #bread #canada #breadiverse