Have you seen 's 'Arithmetic, Population and Energy' lecture from the late nineties. We are truely living it.

Watch it to the poem on (it's near the end).

#AlbertBartlett #overpopulation

Last updated 1 year ago

Nothing good can survive .

Habitats cannot survive it,
Privacy cannot survive it,
Compassion cannot survive it.

Have you seen 's 1999 Arithmetic, Population and Energy lecture?

Watch it to the end, the prison we have allowed them to build for us.

#overpopulation #AlbertBartlett

Last updated 1 year ago

Have you seen Arithmetic, Population and Energy by Dr .


It should be torrenting from every instance, tracker website, and node…

…along with a few other videos.

Its complimentary to Rich Man's Trick, if you've seen that (ie. It excels in the one area RMT falters slightly).

#lecture #AlbertBartlett #peertube #i2p #populationGrowth #energyconsumption

Last updated 3 years ago

Geriatric has dormatories designed and funded for a in the US.

SEARX: "charlie munger" windowless dorm

"Nothing good can survive overpopulation— not privacy, not human decency, not compassion." ~ Unknown from lecture.

#psychologicalTorture #dormzilla #societalDecay #matrixWorld #neofeudalism #ucsb #billionaire #windowless #university #AlbertBartlett #dorms #architecture #overpopulation #bankerCrimes #warrenbuffet #charliemunger

Last updated 3 years ago

Senior citizen and designs dormatories for a in the US.

SEARX: "charlie munger" windowless dorm

"Nothing good can survive overpopulation— not privacy, not human decency, not compassion." ~ Unknown from lecture.

#billionaire #windowless #university #dorms #architecture #overpopulation #bankerCrimes #warrenbuffet #charliemunger #psychologicalTorture #dormzilla #societalDecay #matrixWorld #neofeudalism #AlbertBartlett

Last updated 3 years ago

Hi Vidak,

There is a tendency on a so-called left to think, "if we can only just sing koombaya together or adopt this life all will be okay", this is because everyone must then prescribe to that, eliminating all diversity and resiliency.

Please see 's lecture, we shared it previously.



#technofix #nihalism #AlbertBartlett

Last updated 4 years ago


Do you have Prof. Michael Parenti's lecture in your collection? We think its the second most important ever today, after only 's lecture, .

#WarOnYugoslavia #lecture #AlbertBartlett #ArithmeticPopulationAndEnergy

Last updated 4 years ago

Hi Richard,

We realise Bartlett is a fairly common surname but we must ask, is there any relation to the great of Boulder, , who would give great lectures on the problem of ?

#AlbertBartlett #colorado #exponentialGrowth

Last updated 4 years ago

"Human cannot cannot survive ,
cannot survive it,
cannot survive it."

~ Quote from the Late 's Most Important Lecture

We need easy access to and , NOW! We need equal access to for women and girls globally, NOW!

#dignity #overpopulation #convenience #privacy #AlbertBartlett #familyPlanning #contraception #education

Last updated 5 years ago