#AlbertBourla of #Pfizer now #highestpaid drug exec in the world
#AlbertBourla #Pfizer #highestpaid #PharmaProfiteer
#AlbertBourla of #Pfizer now #highestpaid drug exec in the world
#AlbertBourla #Pfizer #highestpaid #PharmaProfiteer
Belgian lobbyist involves EU Court in Pfizergate row https://www.euractiv.com/section/coronavirus/news/belgian-lobbyist-involves-eu-court-in-pfizergate-row/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #AlbertBourla #contracts #coronavirus #COVID19 #EuropeanCommission
#AlbertBourla #contracts #coronavirus #covid19 #europeancommission
Contrats Pfizer : la plainte du lobbyiste belge contre Ursula von der Leyen au point mort https://www.euractiv.fr/section/sante-modes-de-vie/news/contrats-pfizer-la-plainte-du-lobbyiste-belge-contre-ursula-von-der-leyen-au-point-mort/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #AffairedesSMS #AlbertBourla #Belgique #Commissioneuropéenne
#affairedessms #AlbertBourla #belgique #commissioneuropeenne
Due anni di profitti record per le multinazionali farmaceutiche dei vaccini anti-Covid-19 https://altreconomia.it/due-anni-di-profitti-record-per-le-multinazionali-farmaceutiche-dei-vaccini-anti-covid-19/ #finanziamentopubblico #Approfondimento #elusionefiscale #Pfizer-BioNtech #unioneeuropea #AlbertBourla #coronavirus #StatiUniti #BioNtech #covid-19 #delaware #svizzera #moderna #sinovac #vaccini #pfizer #covid #virus #somo #OMS
#OMS #somo #virus #vaccini #Sinovac #moderna #Svizzera #delaware #covid #biontech #statiuniti #Coronavirus #AlbertBourla #unioneeuropea #pfizer #elusionefiscale #Approfondimento #finanziamentopubblico
Le New York Times poursuit en justice l’l'Union européenne afin d’obtenir les SMS entre Ursula Von der Leyen et le patron de Pfizer.
« Je me réjouis que le #NewYorkTimes saisisse la Cour de justice européenne » – Michèle Rivasi.
#Pfizer #albertbourla
https://lemediaen442.fr/le-new-york-times-poursuit-en-justice-lue-afin-dobtenir-les-sms-entre-ursula-von-der-leyen-et-le-patron-de-pfizer/ https://nitter.net/LeMediaEn442/status/1625824447021170691#m
#AlbertBourla #pfizer #newyorktimes
This #snake deserves a lot more than an interrogation
#covidvaccines #Pfizer #AlbertBourla #Snake
Davos 2023 : Stéphane Bancel, patron de Moderna, critique le débat démocratique sur les vaccins et l'influence des réseaux sociaux
#Davos #Davos2023 #moderna #AlbertBourla #Pfizer
https://lemediaen442.fr/davos-2023-stephane-bancel-patron-de-moderna-critique-le-debat-democratique-sur-les-vaccins-et-linfluence-des-reseaux-sociaux/ https://nitter.net/LeMediaEn442/status/1616048735707963393#m
#pfizer #AlbertBourla #Moderna #davos2023 #Davos
Nuremburg 2.0
#FauciLiedMillionsDied #Fauci #mRNA
#BigPharma #Milgram #CIA #PfizerFiles #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #AlbertBourla #Moderna
#Moderna #AlbertBourla #pfizerliedpeopledied #PfizerFiles #cia #Milgram #BigPharma #mRNA #fauci #FauciLiedMillionsDied
Circola in rete un post in cui si legge che il ALBERT BOURLA, CEO della Pfizer, si sarebbe dimesso ed avrebbe affermato che «la tecnologia dell’mRna», utilizzata dall’azienda per sviluppare i vaccini anti Covid, «non era stata sufficientemente provata». Come spesso accade in questi casi si tratta di...
#18Dicembre #Bufale #CoronaVirus #albertbourla #BOURLA
#Bourla #AlbertBourla #coronavirus #bufale #18dicembre
#Pfizer CEO #AlbertBourla needs to be punished for #crimesagainsthumanity #COVIDvaccine
#covidvaccine #crimesagainsthumanity #AlbertBourla #Pfizer
#Pfizer CEO #AlbertBourla needs to be punished for #crimesagainsthumanity #COVIDvaccine
#covidvaccine #crimesagainsthumanity #AlbertBourla #Pfizer
Video: #Pfizer CEO Dr. #AlbertBourla Declares #AlexJones Enemy #1 https://theinfowar.tv/watch?id=637d126c742e2653edc5b985
#alexjones #AlbertBourla #Pfizer
#Pfizer CEO #AlbertBourla claimed at a news event last week that the company's #COVID-19 #vaccines will continue to be "free to all Americans," despite the company's plan to raise the price of the vaccine roughly 400%—a price difference that will be picked up by health insurers.
In Oct Pfizer said that it plans to raise the price of a dose of its vaccine from about $30 to somewhere between $110-$130 as it moves the shots to the commercial market next year.
#pfizer #AlbertBourla #covid #vaccines #ushealthcare
#Pfizer CEO #AlbertBourla claimed at a news event that company's #COVIDvaccine will continue to be "free to all Americans," despite company's plan to raise the price of the vaccine roughly 400%—a price difference that will be picked up by #HealthInsurance
#healthinsurance #CovidVaccine #AlbertBourla #pfizer
In Europa serve un modello pubblico per la ricerca medico-scientifica https://altreconomia.it/in-europa-serve-un-modello-pubblico-per-la-ricerca-medico-scientifica/ #CommissionediinchiestadelParlamentoeuropeosulCovid-19 #ricercamedicoscientifica #finanziamentipubblici #commissioneeuropea #disuguaglianze #unioneeuropea #AlbertBourla #StatiUniti #Opinioni #covid-19 #pandemia #ricerca #pfizer #Ue
#UE #pfizer #ricerca #pandemia #covid #opinioni #statiuniti #AlbertBourla #unioneeuropea #disuguaglianze #commissioneeuropea #finanziamentipubblici #ricercamedicoscientifica #CommissionediinchiestadelParlamentoeuropeosulCovid
Regardez "🥳 C'est l'anniv d'Albert! Barbier veut supprimer une semaine de congés, BFM et les pâtes froides" sur YouTube
#lemondemoderne #pfizer #AlbertBourla #bfm
#bfm #AlbertBourla #pfizer #lemondemoderne
#AlbertBourla and everyone else at #Pfizer belongs in #PRISON