Retrööt Ernesto’s Sanctuary for Syrian Cats:
"56 dogs vaccinated today, which means 56 lives saved from a barbaric death that is happening to many animals,this week.
The rabies is a monstrous disease,before today we have never seen people in line who beg us to protect their animals .
Now we have just few dozen doses, but we have ordered 500 doses, & we need your help to move forward." #Aleppo #Syria
Écoutez le message du CICR : ils interviennent dans les conflits les plus durs, les zones de tension fortes, au Soudan, en Syrie. Mais au Haut-Karabakh, l’Azerbaïdjan refuse de les laisser travailler. #StopArtsakhBlockade
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ICRC: ⛑️ Despite persistent efforts, we are currently unable to deliver aid via the Lachin corridor & other routes, including Aghdam
⛑️ We evacuated children in #Khartoum
⛑️ We renovated a school in #Aleppo for 1200 students
@ANayelICRC with a humanitarian update in around 1…
#StopArtsakhBlockade #Khartoum #Aleppo
RT @acs_italia: Molti TG non ne parlano più, ma i nostri fratelli della #Siria soffrono ogni giorno le pesantissime conseguenza del #terremoto.
#ACSitalia vuole aiutare 196 famiglie cristiane di #Aleppo. Vuoi darci una mano?
Per info clicca su
#siria #terremoto #ACSitalia #Aleppo #18aprile
⛪ #Christians in #Aleppo have dwindled after more than 10 years of civil war. But even if there are much fewer people, they form a strong community in times of trouble.
In #Aleppo, I have met Archbishop Boutros Kassis, one of the religious leaders in the city who is working on rehabilitation after the #earthquake. The #SyriacOrthodoxChurch is providing food parcels, shelter & emergency healthcare to thousands of people. @EPPGroup
#Aleppo #earthquake #SyriacOrthodoxChurch
RT @UNICEF_EU: “After earthquake hit, we were sheltering under our building.We left with nothing but the clothes we were wearing", says Jameel, 11 y.o. from #Aleppo
Hand in hand with @EU_ECHO, @UNICEF works in #Syria to deliver basic relief #ForEveryChild
#Aleppo #Syria #ForEveryChild #TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
Der internationale Flughafen von #Aleppo in Syrien ist nach einem israelischen Luftangriff offenbar außer Betrieb.
🇹🇷1 mes del devastador seísmo en Turquía y Siria🇸🇾
En localidades como #Idlib y #Aleppo, la guerra ya había deteriorado la mayoría de las infraestructuras sanitarias.
El @EUCouncil adoptó una enmienda adicional para facilitar la prestación rápida de AH.
@AdeleKhodr @unicefchief Due to #earthquake_syria ?
Or due to #Assad bombings?
#Syria #stoppnormalization #Aleppo
#earthquake_syria #Assad #Syria #stoppnormalization #Aleppo
RT @thebaharngo: Already yesterday, the statistics were overwhelming. Only 30% of ppl in #Jindaris #Afrin #Aleppo NW #Syria had access to drinking water, and 21% to electricity. 1163 dead, 2058 injured, 3142 homeless. Then today the area was struck by two more quakes, causing further devastation!
#Jindaris #Afrin #Aleppo #Syria
RT @NPA_English: #Syria's #AANES, after a visit to #Aleppo northern countryside, says humanitarian conditions after Feb. 6 #earthquake are catastrophic amid government ongoing siege.
#Syria #AANES #Aleppo #earthquake
Schools, mosques and warehouses in #Aleppo #Syria have been converted into shelters where the elderly, people with special needs and families with young children are given priority to stay. Basic essentials are being distributed.
More help is needed and more is on the way.
RT @ECHO_MiddleEast: تم تحويل المدارس والمساجد والمخازن في حلب إلى ملاجئ جماعية حيث يكون للمسنين وذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة والعائلات التي لديها أطفال صغار الأولوية للبقاء. يتم توزيع الأساسيات.
RT @CafeKollektiv
Seit gestern werden nun bereits Hilfslieferungen für Erdbebenopfer der Region #Shahbah vor #Aleppo blockiert. Es wird die Herausgabe einer Ambulanz & die Hälfte des Materials von syrischen Regierungskräften verlangt. Helfer*innen und Material sitzen aktuell am Checkpoint fest.
Inmitten des menschlichen Leids offenbaren sich nun auch Schäden an bedeutenden Kulturgütern. Es sind Zeugen einer jahrtausendealten Geschichte. Stark betroffen ist die Altstadt von #Aleppo.
@volkerpabst und @jonasmroth
über die Folgen.
Deepest respect for the volunteers working tirelessly to save survivors of the #syriaearthquake. 🇪🇺EU humanitarian aid is supporting first aid efforts in Syria through the @SYRedCrescent. @EU_ECHO
RT @SYRedCrescent: For the forth day now, @SYRedCrescent volunteers have never left the scene of the collapsed buildings, responding to the affected people in #Aleppo #Hama #lattakia
#syriaearthquake #Aleppo #Hama #Lattakia #Syria
Zitadelle von #Aleppo ... und weiteres #UNESCOWelterbe in #Türkei, #Syrien durch #Erdbeben zerstört? #archaologie
#NemrudDag? #GöbekliTepe?
#Aleppo #unescowelterbe #turkei #Syrien #Erdbeben #archaologie #nemruddag #gobeklitepe
RT @NPA_English: As #Turkey and #Syria are incurring devastating impacts of a 7.8 magnitude #earthquake, Turkish forces shell #Aleppo northern countryside.
#Turkey #Syria #earthquake #Aleppo
#Erdbeben : Suche nach Verschütteten in #Aleppo
RT @Charles_Lister: @sams_usa @SyriaCivilDefe @WHO @SchoenbornTrent As if to make matters worse, pro-#Assad forces appear to have just shelled the opposition-held town of Marea in northern #Aleppo.
The town was hit hard by the earthquake & people are still being rescued.
RT @Clauduella_ella
@jensstoltenberg @ARDBruessel @RTErdogan @MevlutCavusoglu Please, don't forget #Syria.
Imagine your city has been bombed by airstrikes for years and then there is an #earthquake on top 😱 #Aleppo
#Syria #earthquake #Aleppo #dontforgetsyria #turkeysyriaearthquake