🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Alex Chilton:
🎵 All of the Time
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #AlexChilton
Remembering Alex Chilton, born on this date in 1950
#BigStar #AlexChilton #baseballcards #pencilart
NYJ, Gamal Abdel Nasser was on the cover of Time ($.20) the week I was born, it's great to have so many regional restaurants these days but I still like Cantonese best. #ManfredTheWonderDog #CrabbyAppleton #BlueAsh #XTC #PeterHam #AlexChilton #ChrisBell #IfIWereABell #SitDownYou'reRockingTheBoat #PoliticsandPoker #HowardDeSilva #BillHickey #WilliamDemarest #EdwardEverettHorton #Terrihuahuas #JardineParrots #ThePoisonwoodBible #JosephConrad #Groucho #MottStreet #WashingtonSquare #TheAgeOfInnocenc
#theageofinnocenc #washingtonsquare #mottstreet #groucho #josephconrad #thepoisonwoodbible #jardineparrots #terrihuahuas #edwardeveretthorton #williamdemarest #billhickey #howarddesilva #politicsandpoker #sitdownyou #ifiwereabell #chrisbell #AlexChilton #peterham #xtc #blueash #crabbyappleton #manfredthewonderdog
#LowCutConnie, The Royal Screw
#AlGreen, I Can't Get Next To You
#AlexChilton, If You Would Marry Me Babe
#CarolinaChocolateDrops, Run Mountain
#TheMountainGoats, Waco
#TheMinus5, Michael Nesmith
#BobDylan, You're Gonna Make Me Loneesome When You Go
#HiatusKaiyote, Cicada
#hiatuskaiyote #bobdylan #theminus5 #themountaingoats #carolinachocolatedrops #AlexChilton #algreen #lowcutconnie #TheMorningLine
#GladysKnight & The Pips, Friendship Train
#TheStarsExplode, The Real World
#ImperialDrag, Boy Or A Girl
#TheJam, The Modern World
#TheSugarStems, Radio Heartthrob
#JDilla, Dillatroit
#CarlaThomas, B-A-B-Y
#AlexChilton, All I Really Want Is Money
#MadLib, Box Top (Cardboard Dues)
#MadLib #AlexChilton #CarlaThomas #jdilla #TheSugarStems #TheJam #ImperialDrag #TheStarsExplode #GladysKnight #TheMorningLine