mxk · @mxk
461 followers · 2869 posts · Server

Now watching:
"Will we see this in reelrock soon?"

#thehurt #AlexHonnold #reelrock #climbing

Last updated 1 year ago

gwfoto · @gwfoto
45 followers · 45 posts · Server

NATIONAL PARK, CALIFORNIA—Renowned rock climber on Saturday became the first person to scale the iconic nearly 3,000-foot granite wall known as without using ropes or other safety gear, completing what may be the greatest feat of pure in the history of the sport.

When I was passing through there were climbers bivouacked 2/3 the way up. Incredible feat.

#yosemite #AlexHonnold #elcapitan #rockclimbing #nationalgeographic

Last updated 2 years ago

Timothy · @Morgawr
55 followers · 469 posts · Server
MsGolightly · @MsGolightly
99 followers · 134 posts · Server

@nicolewolverton Fascinating! I have a supper high threshold of fear (though that has changed a bit as I've got older). I'm also really interested in the perspective of people like - who says that the stuff he does isn't really risky..... I kinda get where he's coming from lol


Last updated 2 years ago

ghose, 🗣️/ħʊse/ · @ghose
472 followers · 1336 posts · Server

Onte vin "Free Solo" (2018), a película onde se relata a subida de (en estilo libre!) en El Capitan.

Non teño palabras para describir o que fixo ese home. Xa non só pola fazaña física (tremenda) se non MENTAL. Así, a ALEGRÍA da súa cara DURANTE o ascenso, é abraiante. Non me saen palabras.

A personalidade de Alex, o xeito en que percibe o mundo e se relaciona con el, son especiais.

Tamén lembrei como se pronuncia :blobtongue:

#AlexHonnold #Yosemite

Last updated 2 years ago