Ah, my heart! This Story Hour brought us two beautifully written, deep-thinking, and moving stories from Alex Jennings and Wole Talabi. Wole read his story from the Locus Recommended list, so you can hear it in the author's own voice! You can still watch! #StoryHour #StoryHour2020 #AlexJennings #WoleTalabi #ShortStories #AuthorReadings #ScienceFiction https://www.facebook.com/100039975042631/videos/845904319842754
#StoryHour #StoryHour2020 #AlexJennings #WoleTalabi #shortstories #authorreadings #sciencefiction
This week, Story Hour welcomes Alex Jennings and Wole Talabi! They're going to read us beautiful stories. Join us Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. PST! https://www.storyhour2020.com/#StoryHour2020 #ShortStories #AuthorReading #StoryHour #AlexJennings #WoleTalabi
#shortstories #authorreading #StoryHour #AlexJennings #WoleTalabi
What are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc. Some of mine:
#MarthaWells #seananmcguire #AlexJennings #NaloHopkinson #tamsynmuir #nisishawl #AmalElMohtar #bookstodon #reading