9/11 Never Forget: 22 years ago today, the US government murdered 3,000 Americans. https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=64fb820e4b78a8fc97a91821
#NeverForget #Democide #InsideJob #AlexWasRight #AlexJonesWasRight #ConspiracyFact #NineEleven #RogueGovernment #ProblemReactionSolution #NewWorldOrder #NWO #Building7 #FalseFlag #FalseFlagTerrorism #HegelianDialectic
#neverforget #democide #insidejob #AlexWasRight #AlexJonesWasRight #conspiracyFACT #nineeleven #RogueGovernment #ProblemReactionSolution #newworldorder #nwo #building7 #FalseFlag #falseFlagTerrorism #hegeliandialectic
In other words, suck it, troll...
“Water is actually turning the frogs gay, that’s true, turns out,” Carlson clarified. “Years later they tell us, turns out that’s true. Yeah, it’s actually true.”
#AlexJonesWasRight! Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Makes Stunning Revelation That Will Rock The Media https://www.infowars.com/posts/alex-jones-was-right-robert-f-kennedy-jr-makes-stunning-revelation-that-will-rock-the-media/
Watch: Border Patrol Completes The Smuggling Process https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-border-patrol-completes-the-smuggling-process/ #AlexJonesWasRight
@TwistedEagle Boycotting Target is a good start
, they hijacked a natural phenomenon the rainbow in 1978 . Now they want to hijack you. I propose a boycott of all the Endocrine Disrupting Synthetic Chemicals transitioning our natural homonal body chemistry by force in the air food & water -
The Real Threat To America BlackScout & Dr. Anthony Jay - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ho8fI1CuUi8
#alexjoneswasright #mybodymycoice
#AlexJonesWasRight #mybodymycoice
Robert F Kennedy, Andrew Tate: ‘Alex Jones Was Right’ They’re Turning the Freakin’ Kids Gay https://www.infowars.com/posts/robert-f-kennedy-andrew-tate-alex-jones-was-right-theyre-turning-the-freakin-kids-gay/ #AlexJonesWasRight⚡
Andrew Tate’s First Truth Social Post: ‘Alex Jones Was Right’
https://www.infowars.com/posts/andrew-tates-first-truth-social-post-alex-jones-was-right/ #AlexJonesWasRight⚡
Alex Jones Warned You Big Tech Was Behind The Incoming Social Credit Score https://www.infowars.com/posts/alex-jones-warned-you-big-tech-was-behind-the-incoming-social-credit-score/ #AlexJonesWasRight⚡
#AlexJonesWasRight⚡ - FBI Releases Report Confirming THREE San Bernardino Shooters https://www.infowars.com/posts/alex-jones-was-right-fbi-releases-report-confirming-three-san-bernardino-shooters/