That's from #AlexTabarrok at #MarginalRevolution , regarding British state successes during the #covid19 pandemic.
#AlexTabarrok #marginalrevolution #COVID19 #ukpol
I was posting earlier today about the Canadian #bail system. Coincidentally, I see that #AlexTabarrok has a post on bail refrom in the US at #MarginalRevolution :
#bail #AlexTabarrok #marginalrevolution #uspol
"Moreover, it’s shocking that in recounting the difficulties of parenting Hilger says hardly one word about an obvious factor which makes parenting more than twice as hard. Namely, single parenting. I was a single parent. Once for a whole week. Don’t do it. Get married, stay married."
#marginalrevolution #parenting #AlexTabarrok
"[W]hat I do know is that I used to think that however bad the US government was, the US military remained by far the best in the world. But the failing US power grid, the lethargic response to the pandemic, the ignominious retreat from Afghanistan, all have caused me to update my priors on US military capabilities and not in a good direction."
#marginalrevolution #uspol #AlexTabarrok
@Gemlog You're criticising #AlexTabarrok , or the paper by Allcott, Kim, Taubinsky and Zinman?
I didn't read the paper, and have no intention of reading up on the payday loan business at this point in my life...
Regarding company towns, I lived in one for eight years: Faro, Yukon. It was great. Rather than the "Fifteen Tons" view of debt slavery, everything in town was subsidised by the company in order to attract workers from the South. They even flew up entertainers for a mid-Winter fest.
@gemlog @xmanmonk Delaying the second dose makes a lot of sense, not in terms of protecting individuals, but in order to boost overall social immunity. See
#AlexTabarrok #marginalrevolution