Всё, что нужно знать о #alfabank эти пидорасы торгуют вашими данными. До регистрации у них, ничего подобного не получал.
The Russian #oligarch, #Alfabank founder and erstwhile Putin financier Mikhail #Fridman was arrested by the National Crime Agency in his London home on the charges of fraud and perjury (conspiracy) as well as #MoneyLaundering. He has been released on bail. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-britain-money-laundering/32160289.html
#moneylaundering #Fridman #AlfaBank #oligarch
14) Kaboom!
Confirmation of what I have been telling you for years.
Sussmann's motive for lying to Baker? To trick the FBI into investigating Alfa Bank so that Hillary's minions could create fake news to trick voters into thinking FBI was investigating Trump.
Some still believe her! https://twitter.com/DawsonSField/status/1518924123614949377
#SpyGate #Hillarygate #AlfaBank #Sussmann #SussmannIndictment #Durham
Here is the 2021 Grand Jury Subpoena from Special Counsel Durham to Georgia Tech, et al
Demands records re:
1) The Alfa Bank/Trump hoax
2) The purported use of Russian Yotaphones in Trump's vicinity
HT - follow @UndeadFoia!
#SpyGate #Hillarygate #AlfaBank #Yotaphones #Durham
Newly released CIA memo suggest the tech gurus behind the Alfa Bank hoax also tracked Donald Trump’s movements to devise another collusion conspiracy theory.
by Margot Cleveland
While smaller in scale than other aspects of Spygate, the Yotaphone hoax represents an equally serious scandal bc it involved both the mining of proprietary info and sensitive data from the Exec Ofc of the Pres and the apparent surveillance of Trump’s physical movements.
This is just delicious.
When you read Durhams letter carefully, he's not just hinting the inference or conclusions of the Alfa gang might be wrong, but the underlining data itself.
You can go ahead and start pre-ordering Joffe Jumpsuits now. https://twitter.com/Larry_Beech/status/1512837195408756745
#SpyGate #Hillarygate #AlfaBank