@taptapklick spannende App. Ich nutze #Alfred (https://www.alfredapp.com) dafür und für vieles andere.
#EricWuerthner #GenitalHerpes #OutbreakAlert #Alfred #Maine Danger! Eric Wuerthner - Alfred, Maine https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/3419-eric-wuerthner-genitalherpes.aspx?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#EricWuerthner #GenitalHerpes #OutbreakAlert #Alfred #maine
@com @launchbar All of the above wasn't an option. I deliberately use Alfred, LaunchBar, and Raycast on three Macs, and Spotlight every so often when the deep integration into macOS is useful. LaunchBar is my long time favorite. Alfred and Raycast have feature sets that I want to stay on top of. #raycast #launchbar #alfred
@collinsworth 2 of 2: My solution. I start with Keyboard Maestro, which is capable of doing everything but has the interface from hell, and then use the "launcher" that supplements it the best. All three can trigger KM macros. #launchbar #raycast #alfred #keyboardmaestro
#LaunchBar #raycast #Alfred #keyboardmaestro
@collinsworth 1 of 2: I look at LaunchBar, Alfred, and Raycast as being solutions to the same set of needs. Each has their own particular “taste” that will drive one's preference for one over another. I like LaunchBar's simple approach. I like the way Alfred encourages visual development of custom workflows, and I like that Raycast has a very nice community of extension devs who've created a number of items that match my needs perfectly. #launchbar #raycast #alfred #keyboardmaestro
#LaunchBar #raycast #Alfred #keyboardmaestro
Blogged: Making the move from #Alfred to #Raycast
I have been an real #Alfred app fanboi over the years (https://rmoff.net/categories/alfred/), Powerpack supporter, etc etc - but today I tried out #Raycast on my work machine and this evening picking up my own laptop felt the immediate need to get Raycast installed there too. I feel like I'm betraying a long term friend 🤫
been having issues with spotlight, #alfred, #appleMusic, and some Word files stored in iCloud not opening for the last week. Did the incantations last night and reset the NVRam on my 2020 13” macBookPro running #Ventura… Why in 2023 do we have to do this?
RT @sylumer
A few bug fixes today for Bypass (an #Alfred workflow for Apple #Shortcuts) as v1.2 releases today. As well as bug squashing there are a couple of new things. You can now run shortcuts via just “sc” rather than “scrun”, plus a feature for #PopClip users!