What do Alfred Russel Wallace, his sister, and spirits have to do with the Museum?
This week was the 200th anniversary of Alfred Russel Wallace’s birth, the man who independently came up with the idea of evolution concurrently with Charles Darwin. But today also happens to be Friday the 13th!
#fridaythe13th #wallace #alfredrusselwallace #charlesdarwin #darwin #Evolution #archives
#fridaythe13th #wallace #AlfredRusselWallace #charlesdarwin #darwin #evolution #archives
Pics from a week ago: Dr James Williams gave an excellent talk for @hantsskep about Alfred Russel Wallace.
#AlfredRusselWallace #evolution #Darwin #spiritualism #phrenology #OriginOfSpecies #biology
#AlfredRusselWallace #evolution #darwin #spiritualism #phrenology #originofspecies #biology
Dr. Ben Mitchell talks about authority, peer-review, and the process of getting a peer-reviewed paper on Alfred Russel Wallace's defence of spirit photography published in an academic journal. #AlfredRusselWallace #Infolit #SpiritPhotography #LibraryBen #TRU
#AlfredRusselWallace #infolit #SpiritPhotography #LibraryBen #TRU