Memento Civitatem by #AliceMaher and #TheSalvagePress is the first artists’ book commissioned by the #NationalGalleryIreland, and responds to six artists who lived through key political moments. Maher designed her own version of the Rider Waite tarot deck and the result is playful, intriguing and makes subtle points about archive, time and artistic form. Runs until next September.
#AliceMaher #thesalvagepress #NationalGalleryIreland
New newsletter with lots of recommendations: including #TheHorror Show at #SomersetHouse (pic I'm Dead by #DavidShrigley), Broccoli by #MaeveBrennan, some books of the year, #MakingModernism at #RoyalAcademy, BBC #Ghoststories, a new @strands track for #Crashensemble’s Reactions, #AliceMaher, #PoetryDetectives #AmyKey #KatLister #Artle and info on #NollaignamBan at the #IrishWritersCentre on January 6th (will be reading a bit from the new book). Subscribe here:
#thehorror #somersethouse #davidshrigley #maevebrennan #makingmodernism #royalacademy #GhostStories #crashensemble #AliceMaher #poetrydetectives #amykey #katlister #artle #nollaignamban #irishwriterscentre
Doireann Ní Ghríofa is my favourite living Irish poet, writing in Irish, English and bilingually. This is from Nine Silences published by The Salvage Press where she responds to art by Alice Maher #alicemaher #doireannnighriofa #poem #poetry #poetryforall #thesalvagepress
#AliceMaher #doireannnighriofa #poem #poetry #poetryforall #thesalvagepress
#Introduction I’m a writer of #essays and #fiction, and have edited five anthologies (four of short stories, one on music with Kim Gordon). I’ve collaborated with artists like @Aideen Barry, #AliceMaher, #RachelFallon and with the composer @strands on several sound installations. Currently in the limbo/aftershock space that comes with finishing a big project.
Twitter was a lifeline for writers and I found such a wonderful community there. Hoping it’s replicated here. #writing
#introduction #essays #fiction #AliceMaher #RachelFallon #writing