bs2 · @bsmall2
195 followers · 3346 posts · Server

> Before this garden was created, the school lunch.. had been the ubiquitous can of pop and a dubious pre-packed snack. Now the young people sit at communal tables and discuss the merits and flavours of their prepared dishes. This experience is taken home and they pass on what they've learned to their parents... 200 of these children arrived at school hungry and were offered nothing of quality; now 600 arrive in time for breakfast...

#edibleschoolyard #AliceWaters

Last updated 2 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server
bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

> Paul Cezanne said: "The day is coming when a single carrot, freshly observed, will set off a revolution." So let us all make our food decisions in that spirit: let us observe that carrot afresh, and make our choice.

#人参 #FoodEducation #fe #食育 #carrots #carrot #Ecoliteracy #paulcezanne #AliceWaters

Last updated 3 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

> Wendell Berry has written that eating is an agricultural act. I would also say that eating is a political act, but in the way the ancient Greeks used the word "political" — not just to mean having to do with voting in an election, but to mean "of, or pertaining to, all our interactions with other people" — from the family to the school, to the neighborhood, the nation, and the world.

#FoodEducation #食育 #fe #体育 #pe #Ecoliteracy #wendellberry #AliceWaters

Last updated 3 years ago