Alice nell’eterotopia del capitale #AliceinBorderland #MichelFoucault #Byung-ChulHan #LewisCarroll #ShinsukeSato #eterotopia #UmbertoEco #Cinema&tv #PaoloLago #Distopia
#AliceinBorderland #michelfoucault #byung #lewiscarroll #ShinsukeSato #Eterotopia #umbertoeco #cinema #paololago #distopia
Schöne Sachen sind heute von #ComixHannover angekommen 🥳
#Blast hat mich direkt in den Bann gezogen und der dritte von 4 Bänden ist nun auch in meinem Besitz 😬
Endlich lese ich wieder etwas Neues bei #Injustice. Das dritte Jahr kenne ich noch nicht.
Kann mich der zweite Doppelband von #AliceInBorderland mehr überzeugen?
#comic #comics #comicbook #comicbuch #manga #lesen #unterhaltung
#comixhannover #blast #injustice #AliceinBorderland #comic #comics #comicbook #comicbuch #manga #lesen #unterhaltung
🇯🇵 Japanese version 🇯🇵 Throwback to Tomohisa Yamashita’s masterclass at Series Mania
#AliceinBorderland #Celebrities #Celebrity #japanese #MANIA #masterclass #Series #throwback #tomohisa #TomohisaYamashita #version #Vlog #Yamapi #Yamashitas #山下智久
#AliceinBorderland #celebrities #celebrity #japanese #mania #masterclass #series #throwback #tomohisa #TomohisaYamashita #version #vlog #yamapi #yamashitas #山下智久
Kein Vergleich
#AliceInBorderland #Arisu #Chota #DasSpielumLebenundTodbeginnt #Game #HaroAso #ImawanoKuninoAlice #Karube #Lesen #Manga #Meinung #Netflix #Review #Rezension #Shibuya #Test #Testbericht #Visum #Wertung #Versager #Vorlage
#AliceinBorderland #arisu #chota #dasspielumlebenundtodbeginnt #game #haroaso #imawanokuninoalice #karube #lesen #manga #meinung #netflix #review #rezension #shibuya #test #testbericht #visum #Wertung #versager #vorlage
The most unrealistic thing in the #AliceInBorderland pilot episode is that there were no white people or other gaijin crossing the #shibuya junction.
"♦️ Kuina - Fire on fire || Alice in borderland" を YouTube で見る #AliceInBorderland #今際の国のアリス
ようやく #今際の国のアリス を観終わった☕
この奇想天外なストーリーを 破綻することなく描ききった事は賞賛に価すると思う。
他の人の評価を読んでいると「土屋太鳳の演技がクサい」という意見もあったけど、その辺は お国の文化的な背景も違うし 個人の好みの違いの範疇かなぁと感じる。
個人的には、むしろ山崎賢人の顔芸が 織田裕二のそれと似ていて気になった🤭
"The course of true love never did run smooth."
A Midsummer Night's Dream A1 S1
#ShakespeareSunday #AliceInBorderland
#shakespearesunday #AliceinBorderland
I just finished #AliceInBorderland - what a show! It's absolutely great. It's thoughtful, extremely clever & action-packed. It takes a few episodes to get going, but then you're in for a treat. S2 is brilliant. Probably one of the best shows I've seen. More please!
#八木莉可子 #今際之國 #今際の国のアリス #AliceinBorderland #netflix
山崎賢人ってやっぱりかっこいいよね♡#yamazakikento #kento#japan #japanese #AliceinBorderland
#山﨑賢人 #AliceinBorderland #japanese #kento #yamazakikento
Going through a bunch of other folks' posts on it, did they not see the joker card at the end?? I can accept the idea of mass death and random survivors from a huge natural disaster being the explanation of what happened and why some survived and others didn't, but that joker card signifies everything is not as it seems.
Also, if the joker is a person, like the King of Spades was a person, it would make sense to be the next big boss.
I am actually enjoying this episode 7 battle with the King of Spades. It isn't just the main characters trying to win against him. ALL of the players left seem very eager, determined, and proactive to get that guy gone. I guess if they made it that far, there aren't any folks scared into cowering and crying anymore.
Also, the group surviving right now? 4 (not 3) women and 2 men. Not a bunch of dudes and a token chick. Excellent.
I am actually enjoying this episode 7 battle with the King of Spades. It isn't just the main characters trying to win against him. ALL of the players left seem very eager, determined, and proactive to get that guy gone. I guess if they made it that far, there aren't any folks scared into cowering and crying anymore.
Also, the group surviving right now? 3 women and 2 men. Not a bunch of dudes and a token chick. Excellent.
I am so glad the elephant scene did NOT turn into a sex-in-a-hot-spring scene. But even after rewinding I couldn't figure out what it was they saw up in the corner.
#jdrama #AliceinBorderland
And is it on purpose that Agune's name sounds like the English word "agony"?
The Jack of Hearts one had me trying to figure out how I'd do it, but then I remember, no, I'd still have died in that first episode. I'd be completely fooling myself to think I'd make it as far as the face cards.
I'm eager to see more of Kuina's adventures...
#jdrama #AliceinBorderland