And that's the Heart of Darkness box set for the Alien RPG ordered.
My collection's not complete, but it's complete enough for me.
At least until the next hardcover book comes out.
I'm not bothered about the screen or other extras, just the books and box sets.
This MS rewards to Amazon credit thing still feels like I'm getting away with something.
25) Unplayed #TTRPG owned
So many. I have over 75 games in print on my RPG shelf that I still haven't tried, and hundreds of unplayed games on PDF from various game bundles.
But that's not going to stop me from buying more.
Planning to finally try out two games in September: Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands, and Alien RPG.
#AlienRPG #FirebrandsRPG #YZE #FirebrandsFramework
#ttrpg #rpgaday2023 #AlienRPG #firebrandsrpg #YZE #firebrandsframework
21. Favorite licensed RPG?
All time favorite is West End's #StarWarsD6, but #AlienRPG might surpass it if I was a bigger fan of the IP. It just does a really good job at emulating the IP!
#rpgaday2023 #starwarsd6 #AlienRPG
@jackomono #AlienRPG von #FreeLeague kann echt was. Ich fand den cinematic Mode oder wie das heißt richtig gut und ich fremdel eigentlich echt mit dem #YearZero Engine. #Mothership finde ich für das Working Class-Leute-werden-im-(Halleffekt ein)-WELTRAUM-mit-Survival Horror-und-Corporate Goons-konfrontiert noch einmal viel-viel besser. Der Alien Kanon ist mir zu ausgelatsch und dann ist da der Prometheus-Schrott
#AlienRPG #FreeLeague #YearZero #mothership
With the Mothership PDFs finally with us and heading to a table near us soon we’ve been revisiting our feature where we spoke to the game’s creator, Sean McCoy alongside The Wretched’s Chris Bissette & ALIEN’s lead writer, Andrew EC Gaska to find out how the pros get the most out of their awful adventures in space…
Cover art: @thisnorthernboy
#ttrpg #rpg #mothership #AlienRPG #alien
15. Favorite con module/one-shot?
Lots to choose from, but the adventure "Hope's Last Day" in the #AlienRPG core book was one I ran twice at our monthly local Game Day event, and it was a blast!
It's a prequel to the Aliens movie, but everyone enjoyed it whether or not they had seen the movie.
The mechanics fit the theme so well.
#RPGaDay23 Favorite Game You Never Get To Play - Easy. The ALIEN RPG. I bought the books and boxed sets (or received them as gifts) during the pandemic.
I love ALIEN and ALIENS, but even I had to admit it was too dark to play when COVID was running rampant.
With the pandemic's end, I'm hoping to get in a game or two - if not with one of my regular groups, then at a convention. #AlienRPG
We are at #GenCon! This morning we chatted with the good folks at #FreeLeague about #AlienRPG, #Vasen#RPG, #DragonbaneRPG, and #BladerunnerRPG. Also: their boatload of Ennies.
#GenCon #FreeLeague #AlienRPG #vasen #dragonbanerpg #BladeRunnerRPG
이번 주말 #다이스라떼 #DCC카페 에서 있을 #프리리그 #에이리언RPG 단편을 위해 #에이리언 영화들을 복습 중인데... 공포영화에 쥐약인 나는 공포 분위기가 가장 강한 1편을 다 못 보고 있다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 멈췄다 플레이했다 멈췄다 플레이했닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 하도 옛날에 본 영화라 디테일은 기억 안 나지만 뭐가 어떻게 될지 다 뻔히 아는 내용인데도 이놈에 새가슴은 영화 하나를 한큐에 못 보고 있다ㅋㅋㅋㅋ #웃픈내꼬라지 #그래도대사몇외웠다가세션때써먹어야지 #TRPG #FreeLeague #AlienRPG #티알토돈 #영화토돈
#다이스라떼 #dcc카페 #프리리그 #에이리언rpg #에이리언 #웃픈내꼬라지 #그래도대사몇외웠다가세션때써먹어야지 #TRPG #FreeLeague #AlienRPG #티알토돈 #영화토돈
Looking forward to playing some #FreeLeague #AlienRPG at an event at the #FLGS #DCCcafe (aka #DiceLatte) in #Seoul in about 10 days!
#FreeLeague #AlienRPG #flgs #dcccafe #dicelatte #seoul
@LeviKornelsen Deep into Blades in the Dark and hacking/hacks of that system (just received my CBR Punk package). Also Trophy, Brindlewood Bay, fantasy cyberpunk, weird horror, sword & sorcery, and art and illustration. Long-time member of the official Dark Sun setting maintenance team, and I enjoy talking about Athas, but not so much about D&D mechanics.
Should probably add some tags:
#bitd #bladesinthedark #trophyrpg #darksun #BrindlewoodBay #AlienRPG #cyberpunk #swordandsorcery #horror #art
#bitd #bladesinthedark #trophyrpg #darksun #BrindlewoodBay #AlienRPG #swordandsorcery #horror #art #cyberpunk
I've had a few people respond to my "what #ttrpg game do you want to play that's not #DnD" with games that I am actively running. If you are interested in playing any of the following hit me up and I'll work on getting a one shot put together for you and your friends:
#ttrpg #DnD #AlienRPG #TheOneRing2e #VaesenRPG #symbaroum
One thing that I really find fascinating is seeing how mechanics get tied into lore in #ttrpgs #FreeLeague does a stellar job with this in two of their games, both using different systems.
#AlienRPG has a stress dice mechanic that does a brilliant job in regards to adding to your success chances while also making it so that you are more likely to panic if you fail.
#TheOneRing2e uses hope and misery to change success rate. Each changing based on travel, battle, and social events.
#ttrpgs #FreeLeague #AlienRPG #TheOneRing2e
@LeviKornelsen hey there! So, I haven't published anything in a bit, but I'm working on writing some things for #Symbaroum and #VaesenRPG
I GM for #FreeLeague at cons and GM professionally on the side. If you've ever wanted to try a #TTRPG out that isn't D&D reach out and I'll be happy to set up a one shot of any of the following:
#symbaroum #VaesenRPG #FreeLeague #ttrpg #AlienRPG #TheOneRing2e #callofcthulurpg #pathfinder2e #mothershiprpg #dungeoncrawlclassics
Now I've got both books that are out for it and two of the three box sets, I know that if I ever get a chance to run the Alien RPG I need a sound effects button that plays the pulse rifle noise.
Best gun sound in cinema history.
I have a huge weak spot for #Alien and #Aliens. Unfortunately, it‘s #Disney nowadays.
#StarWars and #Marvel … all has been said. Awful. Very.
There are only #Alien movies, but there are also exciting offerings in comics and #videogames. #AliensDarkDescent may have its weaknesses, but #XCOM meets #DarkestDungeon sounds quite seductive - to me. I can hardly resist.
#alien #aliens #disney #starwars #Marvel #videogames #aliensdarkdescent #xcom #darkestdungeon #AlienRPG
Thanks to a bunch of saved up store credit and an unexpected price drop it's another new stuff day. They're coming outta the goddamn walls.
Latest Blog Post, recounting my playthrough of @FreeLeaguePub Alien RPG scenario Chariot of the Gods.
#TTRPGs #TTRPGgblogs #AlienRPG #YearZero
#ttrpgs #ttrpggblogs #AlienRPG #YearZero
Well… it’s taken a while, but I’ve finally got the next sci-fi (terrain) episode done!
There's also a follow-up article over on the blog where I take a look at some of the #waronterra mini's:
#ttrpg #traveller #starfinder #stargrave #40k #shadowrun #alienrpg #rpgterrain #crookedstaffterrain
#waronterra #ttrpg #traveller #starfinder #stargrave #40k #shadowrun #AlienRPG #rpgterrain #crookedstaffterrain
@gorobar #Twilight2000 , das #AlienRPG und das #BladeRunnerRPG haben alle Starterboxen. Persönlich kenne ich aber nur die von Alien.
#twilight2000 #AlienRPG #BladeRunnerRPG