Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
2112 followers · 264 posts · Server

The good folks at @detritus.books said it well yesterday as heavily armed police attacked a music festival for @stopcopcity, arresting numerous people: “One doesn’t have to be in Atlanta tonight to fight cop city. In this world, cop city is everywhere.”

Which is also why—besides basic good solidarity—folks in this world should be concerned about the heavy state repression being waged against Defend the Atlanta Forest; it too is or will be everywhere. For the more that forest defenders and water protectors and abolitionists and those defending bodily autonomy or defying evictions increasingly capture the imagination and grow resistance, the more the state, in allyship with its cops and courts, will up the ante of its brutal tactics.

Last night in Atlanta, 23 people scooped up by the cops were charged with domestic terrorism—this time, for the crime of listening and dancing to music in the Weelaunee Forest. They join 19 other defendants who were also charged with domestic terrorism recently for the crime of caring about and communing with trees—bringing the total to 42.

This tactic, if at all successful, won’t stay put in one city. It’s already sent Jessica Reznicek behind bars for trying to defend this earth in another struggle (see and support @freejessrez). Hence the need, wherever we are, to make sure collective solidarity beats out statist violence. Every time. Everywhere.

Unfortunately, another tool in the state’s arsenal is exorbitant bond/bail fees as part of the exorbitant charges. So our solidarity has to be both immaterial and material.

Materially, hundreds of thousands are needed to bond out and defend forest defenders in Atlanta, as part of our and much rebellious love for each other strategy.

Let’s all give generously and/or help raise funds for Atlanta Solidarity Fund at

And let’s continue to mourn our dead and fight like hell for the living, while sticking side by side with each other—toward cops nowhere.

(photo: in every language, “abolish the police,” seen here in French on the wintery streets of Tio’tia:ke/Montreal)

#noloveforcops #acab #forestsnotfascism #AllComradesAreBeautiful #SolidarityIsOurBestWeapon

Last updated 2 years ago

Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
2091 followers · 255 posts · Server

No doubt I’ve mentioned this before on other similar sightings, but there’s something purrrfectly pleasing about spotting a sticker—in this case, way up high on a street-sign post—made by friends in a far, far, faraway city nowhere near the one you’re currently meandering around.

It’s as if they are sending you a big, warm-and-fuzzy, kitty-cat cuddly hug, just for you! Or a secret shared wink of recognition that even if oceans and pandemics and other big things have kept you from seeing them for too long, you’re sure that you still both hate the police and would love to see each other again.

So even if @svartkattprints is curled up in a snowy Sweden, and I’m walking quietly as if on cat’s paws through the snow-covered streets of Tio’tia:ke/Montreal, a tiny sticker created by them in a distant land that somehow strayed here is more than enough to melt away some of the chill of these “cat”astrophic times.

(photo: stencil-like image of a kitten in black on a white sticker with letters “ACAB,” stuck on a black street post)

#AllComradesAreBeautiful #allcatsarebeautiful #acab

Last updated 2 years ago

Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
2022 followers · 234 posts · Server

We don’t need videos.

As the Ayotzinapa 43 families have been saying since 2014, after 43 beloveds in Iguala, Guerrero, were disappeared and likely murdered, including by police, “We want them back alive.”

Meaning: they never should have been killed.

We shouldn’t need videos to somehow prove that we want every single person murdered-by-cop to be alive. That their names should still be spoken to them, here in this world. That each and every person assassinated by police was loved and lovable, and never deserved that kind of death.

We shouldn’t need videos as evidence that there are no good cops.

The proof is in the grieving people left behind, the uprisings fueled by rage and sorrow, the abolitionist and stop cop cities/academies organizing and direct action, the myriad forms of solidarity, the murals and tags on urban walls, the DIY altars.

“We want them back alive.”

For that to have full meaning, we want and need and fight for a world without police.

(photo: downtown storefront boarded up with plywood and then tagged with graffiti asserting and as seen on stolen Ho-Chunk lands in so-called Madison, WI, after the windows were smashed during the George Floyd uprising in 2020)

#AllCopsAreBad #acab #nomorestolenlives #carenotcops #AllComradesAreBeautiful #towardaworldwithoutpolice #SolidarityIsOurBestWeapon #NoGoodCops #fuck12

Last updated 2 years ago

Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
1888 followers · 202 posts · Server

When the police try to fuck us over, time and again, anarchist+abolitionist folks do their best to make sure they don’t succeed, and the recent arrests of six people—all now facing “domestic terrorism” charges—in the Defend the Atlanta Forest / Weelaunee forest is no exception.

Instantly, in Atlanta and far beyond, without fanfare, and with as much security and sensitivity as possible, an infrastructure of love and solidarity for the defendants arose—jail and court support, lawyer and DIY legal counsel, phone zaps and letter-writing to support the arrestees before they were released, emotional care, fundraising for bond money so they could be released, and so much more. And while that anarchic infrastructure was built on do-it-ourselves knowledge gleaned and accumulated from other such moments, and is a beautiful thing to see and be a part of, much always gets lost between the latest instance of state repression.

Hence a critical part of the infrastructure of solidarity is, as Malatesta asserted decades ago, “educating ourselves for freedom.”

And hence this !

As you’ll see, five groups and many people have come together to offer this week of community self-defense and anti-repression trainings—some of them online and much of it person in Atlanta. And they pulled this together while the courts and statist bureaucracy took the holidays off—just another inking of how damned much we anarchists and abolitionists strive hard to love, protect, and defend each other in these situations, 24/7, 365 days a year.

It’s short notice, though, so please circulate the infographic for the Week of Resilience, especially to folks in and near Atlanta right now.

(photo: redecorated trail marker in Weelaunee forest, as seen in October 2022)


#weekofresilience #fuck12 #StopCopCity #wekeepussafe #AllComradesAreBeautiful #SolidarityIsOurBestWeapon #talktotreesnotcops

Last updated 2 years ago

Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
714 followers · 45 posts · Server

The anarchist elves have been busily working overtime—voluntarily—to keep the lights on at , especially as a whole slew of us have finally starting using our long-dormant accounts (like me) or joined in the past few days. And until capitalism is history, anarchistic infrastructure isn’t completely free—at least monetarily.

So if you can spare some change, or better yet, dollars in whatever currency is commodifying your part of this imperiled world, kick some love and cash (like I just did) to our rad admin crew!


(photo: stencil of a can of paint filled with the “greed” of billionaires’ hubris and capitalism’s violence being poured over our home, planet earth, as seen on the wall of some hierarchical infrastructure in summer 2021 in so-called Asheville, NC)

#Kolektiva #WeAreAllWeNeed #SolidarityIsOurBestWeapon #AllComradesAreBeautiful #TryAnarchistInfrastructureForLife

Last updated 2 years ago