Cops in California shot a disabled black man who was trying to get away from them. Anthony Lowe Jr., 36, was a double amputee.
#acab #AllCopsAreKillers #PoliceAreStateTerrorists
#acab #AllCopsAreKillers #policearestateterrorists
After beating a man to death Memphis officer says, "Ooo that sh#t was fun".
#AllCopsAreKillers #acab #ThePoliceAreNotYourFriends
#AllCopsAreKillers #acab #ThePoliceAreNotYourFriends
#WARNING: This #story #contains #graphic #images.
"There are calls for calm in the city of #Memphis, #Tennessee, after the release of a #video showing an #altercation which #resulted in the #death of #TyreNichols.
#Charges against the #five #police #officers were announced yesterday, ahead of the video's release. North #America correspondent Barbara Miller reports from #Washington."
#acab #AllCopsAreBastards #kkkops #kkkopsAndKlan #kkkop #fascism #statism #unitedstates #AllCopsLie #AllCopsAreBad #AllCopsAreRats #allcopsareevil #AllCopsAreRacist #AllCopsAreCowards #AllCopsAreKillers #AllCopsAreGroomers #allcopsarederekchauvin #humanrightsnow #humanrightslaw #humanrights #imperialism #policebastard #capitalism
#warning #story #contains #graphic #images #memphis #tennessee #Video #altercation #resulted #death #tyrenichols #charges #five #police #officers #america #washington #acab #AllCopsAreBastards #kkkops #kkkopsAndKlan #kkkop #fascism #statism #unitedstates #AllCopsLie #AllCopsAreBad #AllCopsAreRats #allcopsareevil #allcopsareracist #AllCopsAreCowards #AllCopsAreKillers #allcopsaregroomers #allcopsarederekchauvin #humanrightsnow #humanrightslaw #humanrights #imperialism #policebastard #capitalism
It's not just cops who are bastards, it's the entire state system that supports them.
#acab #AllCopsAreKillers
The only thing I hate about this meme is that it's degrading chickens by associating them with the Uvalde Police.
#UvaldePoliceCowards #UvaldeMassacre #acab #AllCopsAreKillers #AllCopsAreEnemies
#UvaldePoliceCowards #UvaldeMassacre #acab #AllCopsAreKillers #AllCopsAreEnemies
Police raid wrong house and murder 14 year old boy. Used flashbangs to light the house on fire and told firefighters to not put out the flames.
#CopsAreMurderers #CopsareTerrorists #acab #AllCopsAreKillers #AllCopsAreBastards #fuckthepolice #fuckcops #AllCopsAreBad #AllCopsAreEnemies
#CopsAreMurderers #CopsareTerrorists #acab #AllCopsAreKillers #AllCopsAreBastards #fuckthepolice #fuckcops #AllCopsAreBad #AllCopsAreEnemies