THE JOHN A McSAMESHIT. A Canada Day anti-anthem for those that don’t celebrate. Beat by Swiss producer John Sarastro, cuts by the homie !KrymeWon. All proceeds to frontline organizers at Gidimt’en Checkpoint in Wet’suwet’en. #WetsuwetenStrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa #ShutDownCanada
#WetsuwetenStrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa #ShutDownCanada
THE JOHN A McSAMESHIT. A Canada Day anti-anthem for those that don’t celebrate. Beat by Swiss producer John Sarastro, cuts by the homie !KrymeWon. All proceeds to frontline organizers at Gidimt’en Checkpoint in Wet’suwet’en. #WetsuwetenStrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa #ShutDownCanada
#WetsuwetenStrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa #ShutDownCanada
Oily murderpig f^ckstains #RBC are enacting colonial violence by refusing to allow Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs and land defenders at their AGM. This shows the lengths to which the #RoyalBankOfColonizers will go to protect its toxic fossil fuel investments. #RBCRevealed
Also here's a #NaziBirdSite link:
#rbc #royalbankofcolonizers #rbcrevealed #nazibirdsite #landback #AllOutForWedzinKwa #economicgenocide
Here's a petition you can sign to dismantle the fascist jackbooted nazi f^ckstains known as "C-IRG". If you're living in this joke state of KKKlanada please follow this link to take a simple action:
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"Minister of Public Safety Mendicino and BC Solicitor General Farnworth: Dismantle the C-IRG and conduct a public inquiry into its actions.
We demand transparency and accountability for the colonial violence perpetuated by the RCMP's Community-Industry Response Group."
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#landback #AllOutForWedzinKwa #DefundThePolice
It might be time to #ShutDownCanada again.
#RCMPoffTheYintah #DefundThePolice #AllOutForWedzinkwa
#ShutDownCanada #RCMPofftheYintah #DefundThePolice #AllOutForWedzinKwa
Seems like Canada's colonial project and ongoing violation of #Indigneous #LandRights progressed today
"This morning, a large force of RCMP C-IRG raided a Gidimt’en village site and arrested five land and water defenders, mostly Indigenous women, including Gidimt’en Chief Woos’ daughter. The raid accompanied a search warrant for theft under $5000 with no clear relation to the Gidimt’en village site."
#Indigneous #landrights #AllOutForWedzinKwa
Wherever we go, we're #supporting #wetsuweten #Gidimten #sovereignty 🦅💧✊
#AllOutForWedzinKwa #BritishColumbia #Canada #TurtleIsland #IndigenousSovereignty
#supporting #wetsuweten #gidimten #sovereignty #AllOutForWedzinKwa #britishcolumbia #canada #turtleisland #indigenoussovereignty
"Budget Survey" sent by the Federal NDP
My reply focused on #LandBack and #CashBack :
Fair/Just Transfer Payments to Indigenous Self-determined, Indigenous responsible governments.
I can't support #NDP brand while the BC NDP is engaged in colonial violence #WetsuwetenStrong #AllOutForWedzinkwa
It's frustrating how many self-identifying "progressives" aren't aware #ShutDownCanada is in response to violent Racism enacted by #NDP
#Landback #cashback #ndp #wetsuwetenstrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa #shutdowncanada
“The responsibility to care for the water is part of ‘anuc niwh’it’ën, Wet’suwet’en laws."
We must all do everything we can to uphold our responsibilities.
Join us.
It's the first night of Chanukah, a holiday about resisting colonial oppression and practising one's identity with pride!
Wishing everyone the kind of freedom and community that we are celebrating tonight.
#FreePalestine #TransRightsAreHumanRights
#freepalestine #transrightsarehumanrights #AllOutForWedzinKwa #happyholidays
Blockade of Montreal's Port this morning in solidarity with #wetsuweten in the context of the #bloquonslacop15 protest.
The blockade (in adition to all other similar action that took palce arount MTL) got a shoutout from Sleydo from #Gidimt’en while she was speaking in front of #RBC
#shutdowncanada #alloutforwedzinkwa
#blockade #protest
#wetsuweten #bloquonslacop15 #gidimt #rbc #ShutDownCanada #AllOutForWedzinKwa #COP15 #mtl #blockade #protest
If you're in Tio'tia:ke (Montreal) on Friday, come join me to protest RBC's inolvement in funding the Coastal GasLink pipeline on Wet'suwet'en land!
10 AM at the RBC at Place Ville-Marie
#wetsuwetenstrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa #shutdowncanada
Alternative Libertaire de décembre est en kiosque
- Pour s’abonner :
- Pour trouver AL en kiosque :
#AlternativeLibertaire #Journal #Presse #Média #AllOutForWedzinKwa
#alternativelibertaire #journal #presse #media #AllOutForWedzinKwa
my mural for @canettes.deruelle 2022! Im so happy with it. The pink realtree camo is a big up to all queer insu forest defenders of the year. Love u till infinity, this is for u 💞🌿🏴
#defendtheforest #fairycreekblockade #nocopcity #defendatlantaforest #alloutforwedzinkwa etc etc
#DefendTheForest #FairyCreekBlockade #NoCopCity #DefendAtlantaForest #AllOutForWedzinKwa
Vancouver, Canada: Multiple RBC Branches Targeted #AllOutForWedzinKwa
Earth First: **Vancouver, Canada: Multiple RBC Branches Targeted #AllOutForWedzinKwa**
"from North-Shore Info Editor’s Note: Our apologies for the late posting, there was an error with our submission form. Early Monday (August 8, 2022) morning, several small groups targeted 7 RBC branches spread across so-called Vancouver. We damaged locks, smashed windows, and […]"
#bot #Anarchism #AllOutForWedzinKwa
North Shore Counter-Info: **Vancouver: Multiple RBC branches targeted #AllOutForWedzinKwa**
"Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info Editor’s Note: Our apologies for the late posting, there was an error with our submission form. Early Monday (August 8, 2022) morning, several small groups targeted 7 RBC branches spread across so-called Vancouver. We damaged locks, smashed windows, and left messages. RBC continues to provide funding for the Coastal Gaslink pipeline crossing Wet’suwet’en territory. They are violating Wet’suwe…"
#bot #Anarchism #AllOutForWedzinKwa
No War but the Class War: Statement from NWBCW Rome
Toronto: Prisoners’ Justice Day Banner Drop
Arson on yard of Bauer (complicit in building of CGL) in Schroben...
Aleksandr Dugin’s Daughter Killed in Car Bombing
Vancouver: Multiple RBC branches targeted #AllOutForWedzinKwa
#OMN #anarchist #news
#AllOutForWedzinKwa #omn #anarchist #news
Vancouver: Multiple RBC branches targeted #AllOutForWedzinKwa
Vancouver: Multiple RBC branches targeted #AllOutForWedzinKwa