you are the glory of those who serve you.
Look lovingly on our departed brothers and sisters,
united in following Christ and his Mother
by the waters of baptism and the bonds of Carmel.
In your mercy
grant them everlasting sight of you,
their Creator and Redeemer.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
God, forever and ever.
#AllSoulsDay #catholic #prayer #Carmelites
#carmelites #prayer #catholic #AllSoulsDay
The soul is a terrible thing; it cannot die.
Though it run past the heart’s beat and the lung’s breath
and cry through all the valleys of endlessness
it cannot find its death.
The soul is a terrible thing, and it has only
one of two destinies:
up steeps of light that to the eye below
are too remote...
- Jessica Powers (Sr. Miriam of the Holy Spirit, OCD)
Read her #poem on our #blog
#poetry #carmelites #AllSoulsDay #blog #poem
St. Thérèse, our newest Carmelite Doctor of the Church has great insight for us as we commemorate All Carmelite Souls Day. She calls all those clothed in the holy scapular of the Virgin of Carmel to move beyond superstitious belief; she urges us on, to make Love Alone our only goal.
#StThereseOfLisieux #Carmelites #AllSoulsDay #love
#love #AllSoulsDay #carmelites #stthereseoflisieux
stayed in a cemetery throughout the all soul's day and i found this fella standing alone
it's the only thing that was around a grassy field and i'd like to know what it is
happy to see something like this after staying inside for a long time
#AllSoulsDay #mushroom #fungi #nature #photography
இறந்தவர்களுக்கு அஞ்சலி: கிறிஸ்தவர்களின் கல்லறை திருநாள் இன்று
https://patrikai.com/today-is-souls-day-of-the-christians/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#StThomasMount #AllSaintsDay #dayofthedead #AllSoulsDay
I read that a bit of cardamom can be added. #Samhain #cookies #AllSoulsDay
#samhain #cookies #AllSoulsDay