Tony Pennino · @beatnikprof
1039 followers · 3494 posts · Server

“The weight of the world is love.
Under the burden of solitude,
under the burden of dissatisfaction
the weight,the weight we carry is love. ”

#pridemonth #pride #AllenGinsberg

Last updated 1 year ago

TimeCycles · @TimeCycles
624 followers · 1493 posts · Server

From that time I met Allen Ginsberg. He was speaking at the Miami Book Fair so I approached him to say hi and get my books autographed. He was very friendly and chatty. I regret not having my camera that night.
When signing his autograph he always added the word “AH” as in Ahhhhh.

#AllenGinsberg #books #writing #poet #poetry

Last updated 2 years ago

félix de fomento · @ohellofedefo
18 followers · 6 posts · Server

@SergKoren i feel this. middle school writing club with an encouraging teacher. lit club in college getting supportively roasted by my contemporaries. the random online pocket dimensions populated by some of the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness...
i guess it wasn't the writing really, but that enough angelheaded hipsters cared enough to get together about the thing.

maybe that's why we're all here, burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo.


Last updated 2 years ago

Harry Watson · @Thebestisyettocome
254 followers · 1450 posts · Server

'The Blue Angel' by Allen Ginsberg

Marlene Dietrich is singing a lament
for mechanical love.
She leans against a mortarboard tree
on a plateau by the seashore.

She’s a life-sized toy,
the doll of eternity;
her hair is shaped like an abstract hat
made out of white steel.

Her face is powdered, whitewashed and
immobile like a robot.
Jutting out of her temple, by an eye,
is a little white key.

#AllenGinsberg #poetry

Last updated 2 years ago

atompunkray :acab: · @atompunkray
78 followers · 345 posts · Server

America I’ve given you all and now I’m nothing.
America two dollars and twentyseven cents January 17, 1956.
I can’t stand my own mind.
America when will we end the human war?
Go fuck yourself with your atom bomb.
I don’t feel good don’t bother me.
I won’t write my poem till I’m in my right mind.
America when will you be angelic?
When will you take off your clothes?
When will you look at yourself through the grave?
When will you be worthy of your million Trotskyites?
America why are your libraries full of tears?
America when will you send your eggs to India?
I’m sick of your insane demands.
When can I go into the supermarket and buy what I need with my good looks?
America after all it is you and I who are perfect not the next world.
Your machinery is too much for me.
You made me want to be a saint

-Allen Ginsberg

#poetry #AllenGinsberg #bobdylan #america #thewonderyears

Last updated 2 years ago

Saša Terzić · @SashaTerzic
21 followers · 169 posts · Server

Snimci su napravljeni 1959. u Ist Vilidžu, 16milimetarskom kamerom.
Keruak i Alen Ginzberg gluvare po

⬇️ 👁️

#AllenGinsberg #JackKerouac #newyork

Last updated 2 years ago

Gayatri · @G_y_tri
391 followers · 304 posts · Server

Do you see that your face is tilted towards the sun? And the fields you're in are ?

"—We’re not our skin of grime, we’re not dread bleak dusty imageless locomotives, we’re golden inside, blessed by our own seed & hairy naked accomplishment-bodies growing into mad black formal sunflowers in the sunset, spied on by our own eyes under the shadow of the mad locomotive riverbank sunset Frisco hilly tincan evening sitdown vision." ,

#nineofpentacles #sunflowersutra #AllenGinsberg #sunflowers #blooming

Last updated 2 years ago

ollie! · @ollieowo69
49 followers · 169 posts · Server
Patricio Bateman · @PatricioBateman
330 followers · 4609 posts · Server

Son varias las personalidades que han nacido en la ciudad de Newark, Nueva Jersey. En el mundo de la música, los más notorios son Paul Simon, Sarah Vaughan, Gloria Gaynor y Whitney Houston. Sin embargo, hoy nos ocuparemos de un hombre de las letras. , nacido el 3 de junio de 1926, ha sido (es) uno de los célebres poetas de la generation beat y conocido especialmente por su obra “Aullido” (“He visto las mejores mentes de mi generación destruidas por la locura…”)

#AllenGinsberg #EfemeridesRock

Last updated 4 years ago