I'm trying to start a team to work on a #fediverse app for tracking outdoor activity, like #strava or #alltrails . If you're curious, check out the temporary website: https://dougs-digital-garden.netlify.app/notes/trailsapp/ -- it has the link to the matrix room we're using to collaborate.
One of the goals of this last week was to prove to myself I could enjoy September in the #canadian Rockies. I wasn't sure where my fitness level was post #Diabetes and weightless
In 5 days we managed
77km of walking
100000+ steps
Using #alltrails moderate so hills, rocky trails etc
12 months ago I could not of done 50% of what we have done in the last 5 days..
I'm now wondering what the dogs stats were 😜
#canadian #diabetes #Alltrails #lifegoal #lakedistrict #walking
The headline is "AllTrails Data Exposes Precise Movements of Former Top Biden Official"
but should have been "Nonexistent data privacy laws allows stalkers to track anyone"
Between #Tiktok #Strava and #Alltrails, a pretty good case can be made for strong data privacy laws.
#tiktok #strava #Alltrails #data #privacy #dataprivacy #tracking #stalking
#30DayMapChallenge Day 23. Movement
I always wanted to experiment with a gpx viewer. So here's one with Corgi pictures. 😀
'Corgi Routes 🐶'
Live: https://maptheclouds.com/playground/30-day-map-challenge-2022/corgi-routes
#Alltrails #terrain #3d #maptiler #MapLibreGL #30DayMapChallenge
Von der beliebten #Outdoor-App #AllTrails können wir aus #Datenschutz|sicht leider nur abraten. Wer mit ihr die Welt erkunden möchte, wird dabei auf Schritt und Tritt von Werbefirmen getrackt. https://mobilsicher.de/apptest/frisch-getestet-alltrails-routen-fuers-backpacking-und-wandern-android
#outdoor #Alltrails #datenschutz
Gibt es eine #Tracker #facebook und #degoogle freie #Alternative zu #Komoot, #Alltrails oder ähnlich? #Hiking
#tracker #Facebook #degoogle #alternative #Komoot #Alltrails #hiking