This shows why it’s so cloudy here, at least in the afternoons,-155.8044,8z #AlohaLife
We got Ghost back after three weeks at the shop and she has a brand new door. That actually closes! #AlohaLife means waiting for stuff to arrive ona boat.
Malasada Blues #DonutASongBookOrShow #AlohaLife
#donutasongbookorshow #AlohaLife
Not sure alarm clocks are all that necessary here in Kona given the large number of mf’ing loud birds!! #AlohaLife
Got some HICO Ube iced coffee after the farmers market this morning #AlohaLife
Got some HICO Ube iced coffee after the farmers market this morning #AlohaLife file:///private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/
Hi, I’m Bill. Married to a wonderful San Franciscan, we live on the Big Island and yes, the Sun does shine every day. #AlohaLife
I’ve been in the software business for too many decades now, lately driving frontend development for marketing automation company using #react, #typescript, and loving it.
#introducton #typescript #react #AlohaLife