Wer in der #Klimakrise von #Klimawandel spricht, verniedlicht die #Klimakatastrophe.
#globaleErwärmung #globaleErhitzung #Klima #Alpbach
#KlimaKrise #Klimawandel #klimakatastrophe #globaleerwarmung #globaleerhitzung #klima #Alpbach
Morning from #Alpbach. Glad to be part of the ‘EU’s geopolitical Awakening’ at @forumalpbach w/ our host @a_schallenberg @JanLipavsky @IvanKorcok @ediramaal. Symbolically, we’re discussing this on the #Ukraine’s Independence Day. Timely & much needed debate. #efa22 #forumalpbach
#Alpbach #Ukraine #EFA22 #forumalpbach
Morning from #Alpbach. Glad to be part of the ‘EU’s geopolitical Awakening’ at @forumalpbach w/ our host @a_schallenberg @JanLipavsky @IvanKorcok @ediramaal. Symbolically, we’re discussing this on the #Ukraine’s Independence Day. Timely & much needed debate. #efa22 #forumalpbach
#Alpbach #Ukraine #EFA22 #forumalpbach
RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon se bo jutri v Avstriji udeležila Evropskega foruma #Alpbach. Sodelovala bo na panelu z naslovom "Geopolitično prebujenje #EU", na katerem bodo razpravljaji o ruski agresiji 🇷🇺 v Ukrajini 🇺🇦 ter o grožnji za energetsko in prehransko krizo v Evropi.